Legal instruments in Public schools

Bill 10 Mandates Gay-Straight-Alliance clubs in schools (March 2015)

Bill 10 in Alberta, Canada prescribes Gay-Straight-Alliance Clubs (GSAs) in any school where students want them, including private religious schools.

Canadian parents who send their children to public school cannot avoid LGBT influence on their children.

Bill 24 makes it illegal for schools to tell parents that their child has joined a Gay-Straight-Alliance club (GSA), or that their child has “come out”

Bill 24 is a legal wedge where the State comes in-between parents and their children. If this isn’t the definition of Tyranny, I don’t know what is…

So, effectively, this is State indoctrination. This is the 21st century, sanitized version of forced government re-education camps. It’s not Mao Tse-Tung sending the people into the countryside. It’s the Canadian government sending the children into re-education cells.

Children are a heritage from the Lord,
    offspring a reward from him.

Psalm 127:3
About Bill 24- legal wedge between parents and children

We all want an Inheritance, but the gay community cannot give birth to children, so it must continue its legacy through the children of others. This is the spiritual root of their determination to get into the schools.

I would like to tell the gay community that they, like the heterosexual community, need to find their Inheritance in their relationship to God who is their father and their creator. Seeking fulfillment through having children looks like the pathway to fulfillment and having an Inheritance, but it never fully satisfies. Only God can satisfy that void in our hearts.