Fingerprints of God: No such thing as Random, Chance, or Coincidence

The Divine Will of God

I did a study during Covid of the role of coincidence in the Bible. This is because God speaks to me through what people would normally dismiss as coincidence. Sure, it was just a single incident in isolation, I might agree. But, after an entire life-time of seeing the finger-prints of God in my life and in the world around me, through the phenomena of “coincidence,” and looking at this concept in the Bible, I realized that there is no such thing as coincidence. What might appear as coincidence is the Divine Will of God.

So, to prove the existence of God, apologetics will also point to the creation and say, “This is no coincidence. This is prove of an Intelligent Designer, and this is God!” I am doing no different, but I’m not just pointing to the natural world. I’m pointing out anything that is two or more things intersecting in time, or following each other very closely. God gives me revelation, through this phenomena. So, time is a function of the movements of the SUN, and this is one reason that Elijah is called the SUN of Righteousness. These fingerprints of God tell us specifically that Elijah is here.


In the minds of the ancients, there was no such concept as random, chance, or coincidence. What we in our “rational brains” would deem as random, chance, or coincidence, they considered an indication of the will of God. I prefer to call it “serendipity”.

So when something strikes you as a coincidence, take a second look. It might be God telling you to notice something. You won’t notice it if you don’t take a second look.

I’m not saying that for life and death matters or important matters, that we toss a coin to divine God’s will. I don’t have the faith to believe for this. We have the Holy Spirit as the inner witness to help us with such decisions. However, God can be speaking through “coincidence”, so take a second look and see if Holy Spirit is speaking something. There is a quote that has been attributed to Einstein that says that Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.

Urim & Thummim

A device called an Urim & Thummim was kept in the garment of God’s Great High Priest to divine His Will.

– 8 instances of the Urim & Thummim in the Bible
“In the breast piece, over Aaron’s (Great High Priest of God) heart to always bear the means of making decision for the Israelites” Exodus 28:30

  1. “Also put the Urim and the Thummim in the breast piece, so they may be over Aaron’s heart whenever he enters the presence of the LORD. Thus Aaron will always bear the means of making decisions for the Israelites over his heart before the LORD” Exodus 28:30
  2. King Saul used the Urim & Thummim to divine who made the mistake and should die. It went to Jonathan. King Saul had so much faith in the Urim & Thummim that he was willing to kill his son, Jonathan when it indicated that Jonathan was the one at fault. 1 Samuel 14
  3. King Saul “He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets.” 1 Samuel 28:6

Casting Lots
“The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD. “

  1. Proverbs 16:33 1. indicated the order that the soldiers moved out in warfare (Judges 20:9)
  1. indicated the order that the priests of each tribe ministered in the Temple (1 Chronicles 24)
  2. Casting lots settled disputes for the Hebrews (Proverbs 18:18)
  3. Casting lots for Jesus’s undergarment. This idea that God can send his will via“chance” must be pretty important to God. It was prophesied that this would happen to Jesus in the Old Testament and the fulfillment was mentioned in the Gospels.
  4. Dividing by impartiality. To prevent partiality between older sons and younger sons (1 Chronicles 24). “They divided them impartially by casting lots, for there were officials of the sanctuary and officials of God among the descendants of both Eleazar and Ithamar.” Perhaps seeing God’s will in “chance” is a way to avoid humans forcing a desired outcome through confirmation bias.
  5. Casting lots to choose the goats for the sacrifice and for the scape goat (Leviticus 16:8)
  6. Casting lots to divide up the land (Joshua 18:6)
  7. Casting lots for duties (1 Chronicles 25)
  8. Casting lots to decide gatekeepers (1 Chronicles 26)
  9. Casting lots to decide which family is responsible for bringing wood to the altar (Nehemiah 10)
  10. Casting lots to decide who to throw overboard. It went to Jonah (Jonah 1:7)
  11. Casting lots to choose the disciple to replace Judas (Acts 1:26)
  12. Hebrew Feast of Lots (Purim is Hebrew for Lots). This is a feast celebrating Esther. and her role in the deliverance of her people. It is called the Feast of Lots because Haman cast lots to decide the date for the genocide. The unnamed feast of John 5:1 could have been Purim.

14. A RANDOM arrow kills King Ahab 1 Kings 22.