This blogpost contains evidence to support the Word of Prophecy from the Lord, through me, as to His purposes for Covid, which are still to come with Covid, and how we are to prepare for God’s Church to be overcomers during the distress of it all. Please read the Word of Prophecy, first, and then come back to read the evidence that supports it.
*This is a very long blog-post. I would read it like I was reading a book, stopping at a sub-heading, like it is a chapter division. đ
Testing Prophecy
I would like write out how the Lord told me that we are in the Book of Revelation by first telling me that during Covid, we are going through a Second Exodus. You can look at the evidence and weigh it yourself. So, in order to have half a chance at hearing Holy Spirit confirm or disconfirm this Word, it is necessary that you first :
- value the role of the prophet (1 Corinthians 14)
- not despise prophecy (I Thessalonians 5: 20-21)
- test the prophecy (I Thessalonians 5: 20-21)
- be as little children, because one cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, unless we are as children. This means entry into the Kingdom of Heaven requires a measure of childhood innocence (as opposed to cynicism), childhood awe (looking for ways to be amazed at God, when everything is possible, with Him) and childhood’s openness to learning new things (as opposed to pride thinking that we already know it all).
Without these things in place, you’ll leave this blog, either disbelieving, mocking, or despising me, I can assure you đ
Entry into the Kingdom of Heaven requires child-likeness, but it doesn’t mean you stay a child. This is only the entry-way. Very quickly afterwards, one grows up to authoritative maturity to be able to see into the spiritual realms, to understand what God is doing, because at that point, one gets assigned a task by God to release more of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. When God assigns you, He then equips you. Then He sends you out, He then protects you to do the Mission. Of course, He protects you as you do the Mission. He needs you, as a King needs each and every one of his soldiers, so of course He protects you.
The Lord speaks to me in a particular way. The Word of the Lord, through me reads partly like investigative journalism and partly like a detective story. It’s definitely prophetic. In fact, the evidence of what and how God shows me things, tells that me that I bear an inordinately high prophetic mantle. This is because God has given me such an unbelievable message about where God’s Church is, in such a time and place. God knows that His people will need strong evidence to believe me, so He speaks prophetically to me through evidence. I in turn, offer up to you the evidence that He used to speak prophetically to me, hoping that it will speak similarly to you.
Elijah, in the Great Day of the Lord
So, I go through life, following the “bread crumbs,” (like a detective story) and it this case, the bread crumbs are small morsels of the Word of God which definitely include scripture. I follow the trail and it always leads me to some amazing discovery. Often, just like in the fairy-tale, “Hansel & Gretal,” the bread crumbs lead me to the witch’s house, and the witch’s name is jezebel. This is evidence that the mantle that I bear is in the spirit of Elijah. This is because in the Bible, Elijah’s adversary is jezebel. Elijah uncovers jezebel.
I am not intentionally looking for her, but more often than not, I end up at jezebel’s house. It doesn’t make me happy, when I end up there. I want nothing to do with her. It makes me miserable, but I cannot choose the calling that God places on me. No one gets to choose their calling. If we chose it, we are vulnerable to making our Calling something that belongs to us, meaning Pride. So, Pride is the primary way that satan implodes our Inheritance. It imploded his.
John the Baptist was called “an Elijah” by Jesus. This means that the Elijah at the End of the Age, will be a “John the Baptist.” John the Baptist went ahead of the appearance of Jesus, to prepare the way for Jesus’s first coming. In the same way, the Elijah in the Great and Fearful Day of the Lord (Malachi 4, the End-Times) prepares the way for Christ’s Second Coming. Elijah plows the soil, ahead of Christ, in fact. This means Elijah overturns the soil, unveiling what was hidden in the dark before, and exposing it to the light. By doing so, Elijah judges the nations. In those furrows, the Word of the Lord can be planted, where tears of weeping during the Last Days (Rachel’s weeping Jeremiah 31:15, Matthew 2:18) will germinate the seeds. When the heat of the judgement of God comes in the form of sunlight (Elijah is called the Sun in Malachi 4), symbolizing Divine Revelation, these seeds will quickly spring up, because of the intensity of the heat. In a blink of an eye, the desert becomes a ripe field of wheat, ready for harvesting. The dry-bones, representing the fainting church, will have the breath of God enter her again. She will be prepared thus, and Christ, the great Harvester will suddenly arrive, to gather His own, to Himself, to eternal glory.
John the Baptist was called a voice calling in desert (Isaiah 40:3, John 1:23). This means he bore very little fruit. Elijah will be different, though. Elijah will bear the most fruit of all, because His fruit will be what we will feast upon, during the Greatest Wedding Banquet, of all, at the End of the Age.
We are in the Book of Revelation
So, I would like to tell you how God told me that we are in the Book of Revelation. As normal, God does not take me through the straight-route. He always takes me through a rather convoluted path, but this is so He can show that it is He that is doing this, and not my own imaginations. We’re in a rational age, so people, even Christians find it hard to accept things without some objective, “rational” evidence. The convoluted route is myself picking up the bread crumbs that God has left out for me, to come across, to discover, to assemble together to be His Voice to the nations. Well, it’s available to others, but others don’t see it, and even if they do, they don’t see the value so they don’t pick it up. I’m here to show you what I’ve collected, and am hoping you’ll see it too, because SO MUCH weighs in the balance whether you see it, or not.
At the same time, one can see and deny afterwards (denial) anything, even visible evidence, because this is how the Religious Authorities treated Jesus’s miracles and the eye-witness accounts of Jesus’s resurrection. I’m praying there will be more that “see,” than those who walk-away.
A Second Exodus
God set out to tell me that we are in the Book of Revelation, not by the direct-route, but by telling me that the start of Covid was the start of a Second Exodus.
As there are people that believe that the Book of Revelation can be seen through âExodusâ typology, then this means that this was Godâs roundabout way of telling me that we are in the Book of Revelation. I am getting ahead of myself, so please just hold this thought and I will return at the end of this blogpost, to explain how God told me we are in the Book of Revelation, by first telling me that we are in a Second Exodus, âwhen I had never heard of the idea of a Second Exodus, anywhere, at anytime, in my almost 50 years of following Jesus.
Timeline of Events
Spring 1998– Firstborn child, a daughter falls deathly ill with pneumonia. In ICU for 3+ weeks with full life support—kidney dialysis and ventilator. God heals her and moreover gives her a miracle of a re-grown lung. More explanation of this, further along in this blogpost.
Summer 1998- The Lord told me that what we witnessed, during my daughter’s healing & miracle, I would see again in my lifetime. But, it would be for others and it would be worldwide. The Lord called it, “The Restoration of The Church,” but most people would know it as. Revival! The Lord promised me that I would see Revival in my life-time.
1998 to 2019- I’ve been looking for this world-wide revival all these years. I’m always looking for signs that it will begin. During these years, the Lord started speaking to me about healing broken child-identity wounds in His children. The Bible passage that He gave me for this is Malachi 4: 2-3, 5-6
 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and froliclike well-fed calves. ,,,âSee, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.â
Malachi 4: 2-3, 5-6
The healing of broken child-identity wounds that we bear before God our Father is the turning of the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their Fathers in verses 5-6.
God spoke revelation to me as to how to heal identity wounds in His children all these past 25+ years. God called it Sonship. He started teaching me about this, in Year 2000, when the idea of healing identities was a new idea for the church around the world. As the rest of the world looked at this issue, I was in my little silo in my home, reading scripture, listening to God about what Sonship means, recording all my learnings down, and collecting data wherever I came across it in the world, to strengthen what God calls, “The Theology of Sonship.” The data came from anywhere and everywhere. I saw it in relationships in front of me. I saw it in literature, history, folklore, mythology, history, art, music, science, biology, psychology, even math. EVERY discipline that exists held insight for me, that gave me understanding about Sonship, and how the enemy and the world work to destroy our identities as Sons of God, in order to strip our Inheritance as God’s children.
As the Bible verse speaks about Elijah, I also ended up uncovering jezebel, even though I am not interested in having anything to do with demons or demonic strongholds. This is because Elijah fights jezebel. This brought me to Revelation 2:20, that describes jezebel in the End-Times. More explanation about this, further along in this blogpost.
Summer 2019: My family and I had been living overseas for 15 years, prior to the start of Covid. In those 15 years, we lived in the four corners of the world, which included a Muslim, an Asian, and an European country. As such I have a bird’s-eye view of the world that also helps me to understand what God is trying to show me, because what He is doing, is for the Nations. We returned to our home, my birthplace, in Canada, during the summer of 2019.
Dec 31, 2019 (New Yearâs Eve): For some reason, and it ended up to be a leading of God, though I didn’t perceive it as such, while I was doing itâI decided to host a Watch Night Prayer Service in my home, during New Year’s Eve. I had never done this before. It is very often the case that I do something, not thinking that it is God, nor prophetic—but then it ends up such. I think God does this, so I can’t take credit for anything, and because when it happens, my hearts leaps with joy and amazement at His incredible ways. It’s a lot more fun to accidentally do something good, because then you get the thrill of surprise, because you didn’t expect it. Sort of like a plot-twist.
A Watch Night Prayer Service is a evening of food, worship, and prayers, on New Year’s Eve, to ring in the new year. When I was a child, at the age of 10, I attended my first Watch Night Prayer Service. It was held at the Midnapore Church of the Nazarene. During the evening, we watched the movie, âA Thief in the Night,â which is a fictional movie about the End-Times. I had no idea until Covid, why we would watch a movie about the End-Times during a New Year’s Eve celebration! Well, I didn’t give it any thought either, in all these years. You’ll understand the reason why we watched an End-Time movie that evening as part of Watch Night, as I recently discovered, by the end of this blogpost. (I didn’t know this as a child, but the Watch Night was really to watch for the Second Coming of Jesus, but I thought it was the stay up to watch for Midnight!)
Watching this movie scared me significantly, because what does a child know about the End-Times? I had not given it any thought in my 10 short years. As a consequence, during my youth, I kept away from all forms, fictional and non-fictional, of speculation about the End-Times, which included books and movies about the End-Times. The fictional series, “Left Behind,” was popular when I was a teenager. I didn’t touch those books.
As I grew older, I kept away from mainstream teaching about the Book of Revelation, because it felt heretical to be speculating about what the Book was saying. The images were so bizarre, surreal, and horrifying. Who can know what is true and what is deception? I am very sensitive to “untruthfuless,” and this is probably why I felt that way. It was my Gift of Discernment kicking into operation, but I didn’t know it at the time because I hadn’t heard of the Gift of Discernment, at that point in my life. My sensitivity to falseness, made me keep away from entertaining false ideas in my head, because it felt like heresy to speculate, and I didn’t want to accidentally encounter possible false teaching, and be led astray.
Therefore, I had no desire, my entire life, to learn about the End-Times, and I still don’t. So, it’s ironic that the Lord’s calling on my life is to prepare the way for the Return of Christ. As I said, God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55: 8-9). Moreover, what the Lord tells me and how He tells me is often, “off the beaten path”â (an allusion to John the Baptist?) If I had filled my head full of what the mainstream beliefs are, about the End-Times, I wouldn’t be able to easily hear something new (receive revelation) from God. I might also find it hard to be brave about speaking it out, if I knew how divergent I was being etc.
20+ years of such preparation in my life, prepared the way for the Lord to speak to me revelation, during Covid:
- What God’s purposes are for Covid, which are part of End-Time events. Covid is to create a foundation for worldwide revival to spring forth from
- How the Church must respond to Covid. We are to fight the enemy, which is satan and not people or institutions, to get that reward of worldwide revival. Iâm getting slightly ahead of myself, so please keep reading, and I will explain a bit more about what I mean by this, as you read.
I don’t particularly like looking like an outlier and then bearing all the misunderstandings, rejection, attacks, and loneliness that such an identity entails. In my Flesh-Man, I’m a Slave to the approval of Man, because I am most afraid in life, of the rejection of Man. But in my Spirit-Man, I have to be the polar opposite of who I’d rather be which is to endure all sorts of rejection, including false accusations, as I speak out the prophetic Word of the Lordâ and this is a sign that what I do is only for God. I’m definitely not doing it for my own personal gratification. This is perhaps why God chose me, for this awful task! I am just trying to obey God as best as I can, because I love God’s Church and I want to see her rise to her chosen place, in the nations, which is her spiritual Inheritance that God gave her from before time began. God is faithful to His Word, and He will bring it to pass. For some reason, God has chosen a human-agent, to work through again, just as He worked through the Prophets in the Old Testament. The Lord promised me that I would see a worldwide revival, in my life-time (just as He promised Simeon in Luke 2: 28-32,) and I see it so clearly in my mind’s eye. It is so achingly beautiful. I cannot, not, try my best to do my part so that God’s dreams for His church may be made manifest.
New Yearâs Eve â the foreshadow
During the afternoon of Dec 31, 2019, I was at the library doing some photocopying. I noticed that the lady ahead of me was photocopying sheets with Bible verses on them. I am always looking for doors that the Lord may be inviting me to step through, to have a divine-appointment đ . So, I asked the lady, âI see that you are photocopying out Bible verses! What church do you attend?â The lady told me the name of her church, which has the word, “Skekinah (God’s glory)” in its name. (This name, meaning the Glory of the God is meaningful to this story, and this is why I point it out to you.)
Then she went close to my face and whispered, âYou know itâs the night of the Watchmen, donât you?!!â At this, I was startled and stepped back. I told her that, âYes, I know…â I was startled because this was God particularly pointing out to me that this night was the Night of the WATCHMEN. Why would He do this, when I already knew? WHAT was God up to? I was a bit freaked out! God already knew that I knew that it was New Yearâs Eve and I was having a Watch Night event in my home to ring in the new year. Why would He need to underline that fact, to me? There must be something big that was going to happen, that night, I concluded!
For 20+ years, I have been looking for a world-wide revival in God’s church, which will include physical healing, miracles, and deliverance. In 1998, my Firstborn child, at the age of 18 months old, fell deathly ill with pneumonia. She was put on full life-support, which included a ventilator and kidney dialysis, and hovered between life and death for 3 weeks. Long-story, short. God healed my daughter and even miraculously regrew her left lung, that had been left dead and gangrenous from the infection. The doctors wanted to remove her dead lung a.s.a.p., but the Lord intervened, six weeks later, before it got to the point of surgery, and rebuilt the lung instead! I have CT scans to prove this miracle, and the testimony of nurses and doctors from the hospital where she went through her ordeal. (I will post this story online, here, complete with photos of the CT scans, soon!)
So, I have been a Christian since the age of 6, but up until that point when my daughter fell deathly-ill with pneumonia, — due to missing, weak, and false teaching in the churches I had attended, I had no idea that God still speaks a direct Word to his Children, that He still intervenes to heal physically, and that He still performs miracles, including miracles of physical healing.
God literally walked into my life during my daughter’s illness, and turned it upside-down (or maybe right-side up!) to tell me that He still speaks directly (prophecy) and still heals, does miracles, and delivers people from demonic affliction. God worked through human agents in my story, who were two friends (Katherine and Jackie) who knew about the supernatural part of God and therefore were the conduits through whom God released his supernatural power through. Basically, these two friends took us through my daughter’s ordeal. Without them, my daughter would have died the first night she went into ICU. Part of the reason that there is little miraculous healing in the world is because there is a lack of Prophets in God’s Church.
ANYWAYS! God told me, after my daughter’s healing, that what we experienced in her healing testimony, I would see it again, but next time it would be for others, and it would be world-wide. I would be a part of it.
So, for 20+ years, I have been looking for “all this to start!” I have been waiting and waiting to “see the salvation of the Lord” just like Simeon and Anna, did in the New Testament (Luke 2), as they awaited to see the Messiah.
When God took particular pains to tell me that “Tonight is the night of the Watchmen!”—I went home from the library and wondered if things were about to finally change and “it” (world-wide revival) would finally start –whatever ‘it,’ might really mean. I wasn’t entirely sure but I was always looking for signs that might give me more clues as to what “it” really was! (I told you it was a detective story!)
I returned home after the library, thinking there was likelihood that something significant, would happen during our prayer night. Something did, but I wouldn’t find out what it was, for another year…
Coincidence is the Divine Will of God
One thing did happen, that evening, that was very significant to me. A coincidence happened. Coincidences carry the fingerprint of God. When I see a coincidence, I always try to see if I can hear what God is saying, through them. Often, I donât see it right away, but that doesnât mean it isnât God. I might see it later. It could be months, years, or even decades later! The key is to revisit the incident regularly and at some point, you may receive Revelation as to what God is saying through the “coincidence.” Most people just forget about the coincidences.
It’s gotten to the point that I no longer call them âcoincidences.â I call them âGod-Incidents,â instead, because God speaks to me, through “coincidences”. They are the invisible hand of God, at work. I did a search, during Covid, in the Bible of all occasions of people divining the will of God, through what we would call “chance.â I discovered that the ancient peoples did not have the concept of random or chance. Random or chance was considered to be the Divine Will of God. This was so particularly so, that the Great High Priests of God carried a divination-tool in their left-hand breast pocket (over their hearts) called Urim & Thummin, to divine the Will of God. In the New Testament, the disciples cast lots in order to choose the disciple that replace Judas. During Covid, I wrote out notes about this “discovery of mine” that in the Ancient people’s minds, there was no such concept of random or chance, but was considered the Divine Will of God. The Ancients considered it such a forceful indication of God’s will, that King Saul was willing to kill his own son because they had cast lots and it fell to Jonathan (I Samuel 14). You can see what I discovered, here. (I’m sure others must have seen this before I, but I didn’t see it through anyone else. It came to me as I researched the Bible directly about this phenomena. So, this is what I mean when I say that my calling for the Kingdom of God, is part “Investigative-Journalism.”)
In recent months, the Lord gave me a legitimate term (that will speak to rational “learned men”) for what I call “God-Coincidences” or “God-Incidents.” I discovered that this phenomena is used by apologetics to argue for the existence of an Intelligent Designer who is God. Apologeticists call God-Coincidences, “Undesigned Coincidences” or âEmbedded Confirmations.” These are coincidences that cannot be designed by Man, so they are evidence of God’s fingerprints. Fingerprints tell us the identity of the person who was recently “here,” but they are invisible, or nearly invisible, –so you have to look carefully for them! I told you that my walk with the Lord was like a detective story!
The Significant “Coincidence”
So, the God-coincidence or providential thing about New Year’s Eve 2019, is that Debbie, a friend of mine, brought with her to the evening, a Bible verse, which was the same Bible verse that I had brought to the evening! This was super note-worthy! This was God speaking!
The verse that both Debbie and I brought to the evening came from Isaiah 43:
16 This is what the Lord saysâ
Isaiah 43
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters,
18 âForget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland…
Debbie brought verses 18-19. I had received verses 16, 18-19.
When I heard this verse saying that God was doing a ânew thing” in the new year of 2020, I wondered if I would finally see what God had promised me that I would see, so many years ago, which is a worldwide revival!! I went into the new year, LOOKING for signs that “it” had arrived.
Evidence of Faith
As you can see, the walk of faith is not a passive thing. Itâs not like God gives us a promise and then we can forget about it, and it will still come to pass. We have to grab onto it like treasure, and never let it go. The proof that this is the case, is when one is always expectantly looking for the fulfilment of it. You never forget that God has promised you this. You don’t think about it every minute of the day, but you think about it often, and you look around you for any signs that it’s here!
This is what Faith looks like, and it is described in scripture as this:
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things yet unseen.
Hebrews 11:1
I’m collecting evidence of things yet unseen in my life, that God promised me I would eventually see one day. This is myself in my detective mode! As I collect it, my faith grows that it’s going to happen…it has to happen… All the signs point to the fact that it’s about to happen!
The Sword of the Spirit
God’s voice is ALWAYS a treasure! Scripture speaks about how the Word of God can “fall to the ground” (I Samuel 3). This is speaking of the prophetic Word. The prophetic Word is the Word of God that God has spoken out. When God tell us to put on the full armour of God in Ephesians 6, He tells us to carry the Sword of the Spirit, which is the “Word” of God. The Greek word, for the “Word of God” is Rhema. Rhema means Utterance. An Utterance is something that is spoken out.
When God speaks, His breath turns the Words into a flying object and this is how the Word becomes the Sword of the Spirit that is sent flying into the spiritual reams to do spiritual warfare in the heavenly realms. satan is the ruler of the Kingdom of the Air (Ephesians 2). If we don’t grab onto the Word, hold onto it! …and contend for it by believing in it, â-and the proof that we believe it is that we keep LOOKING for it’s fulfillment (and this might also entail WORKING for its attainment), no matter how long it takes, âthe Sword of the Spirit falls to the ground, and a sword is not much use when it’s laying on the ground. When God speaks, things are guaranteed to happen, but we need to hold onto the Sword!
This is what I meant when I said in a prior paragraph, that the reason there is such little healing, miracles, and divine intervention in the Church is due to the lack of the Prophets. The Lord’s breath speaks through His Prophets, turning his Word (the Logos) into the Rhema. The Logos (scripture and the teaching of scripture) is not the Sword. The Rhema is, but embedded in the Rhema is the Logos. It’s not possible to have the Rhema without the Logos embedded in it. The Logos without the breath of God (Spirit) to send it out, is a Sword on the ground. The Spirit without the Logos is just a whole lot of hot air! đ
Think of the Shepherd Boy, David, and the 5 stones in his hand. The stones were dead as they laid on the ground. They were the part of the bedrock that David stood upon, though, –the “foundation” of his faith. David heard the VOICE of God telling him to pick the stones up, because David had a relationship to God where he was practiced in hearing the voice of God and responding to it. When David picked them up, the stones became a Sword. When he relied on the stones by putting them into action, it was the Word of God put into action (thrusted into the air). Actions prove that we have faith in the stones (the Word). If you receive the prophetic Word, but there is no visible evidence of response through action, then this tells us there is no faith. Even Jesus could do nothing in the absence of faith. You can believe in the existence of a chair, but you demonstrate your faith in it, by sitting in it! It was the wind (the Breath of God) that sent out the stone to kill the Giant, though! David had no relationship to or control over the wind, but he knew that God did and relied on God for that part, âthe part that David cannot do. And so, because God was given His part to do, the Sword hit its target, and the enemy was defeated.
A Divine Partnership
This is how our natural spiritual gifts work in partnership with our supernatural gifts to defeat the enemy. In our supernatural gifts, we literally have NO power to make it happen, and this is how our weaknesses allow God’s strength to be made perfect. In the Greek language, the word “perfect” means “made complete”-âcompleting the “stone & wind” partnership, so that the enemy is defeated. If we really believe that God’s strength is made perfect or completed in our weaknesses, we would eagerly desire the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit and especially desire the gift of Prophecy (1 Corinthians 14:1) that are not in our power to operate, but can only and are commanded to be constrained through the Logos and through Love (1 Corinthians 13).
The problem is that the Spirit of jezebel—the false prophets and false prophetesses, in the church have so misaligned the prophetic gifts that there is fear or contempt for the prophetic gifts,– and so then we’re running in the opposite direction of the Spirit (2 Timothy 1:7), and therefore the Church has become a dead church, because there is no breath of God going through it.
God juxtaposes the spirit of Fear, against the Holy Spirit.
For God did not give us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, of Love, and of a Sound Mind
2 Timothy 1:7
This means that if we let our decisions be continually led by Fear, then we’re being led in the opposite direction of Holy Spirit, in our lives.
The fear and contempt of God’s Prophets and the Supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit have left God’s Church fleeing the power of God, and stumbling in the darkness of our Age without Holy Spirit revelation that comes through the Prophets; and is the reason the Church has lost her authority or her power in the world.
We definitely need the Logos (Scripture through the Pastors) for healing and miracles, but it needs to be in partnership with the breath of God (the Spirit through the Prophets) before it can be turned into a weapon (the Sword of the Spirit) that defeats the enemy. Not all sicknesses will be healed by God, but if God speaks through His prophets, that He intends to heal in a certain situation, â-then of course if we believe it (have faith in it),â it will happen.
God may speak through His prophets that God has other plans, and they don’t include healing, but there is no room for such Words, in the Church, as the prophet would be run out of the church! A true prophet of God is a conduit to speak both, because He fears God more than the disapproval of Man. Therefore, a true prophet of God is more likely to be killed, than worshipped. It was such in the Old Testament, and it is as true for this Present Age. So, this is another reason for the dearth of the Prophet in God’s Church. Few would be willing to take up such a life with such a Calling.
What is happening in our present Age, due to the lack of God’s True Prophets because the office of the Prophet has been put into such disrepute by a generation of many false prophets in God’s church (the spirit of jezebel Revelation 2:20),—is that we pray for healing, miracles, and God’s intervention,– but because of the lack of God’s Prophets, we’re left wondering what God’s final decision is, and it’s hard to have faith in a vacuum of understanding. We try to have faith in God’s Word (scripture), but it’s really just forced positivity through will-power, and this is not of the Spirit, then. Will-Power is of the flesh. It is not the power of God. Will-Power is the Letter of the Law that kills. The end result is that there is no healing, miracle, or intervention, and we walk away a little more dead in our walk with the Lord. We’ve had another dysfunctional encounter with God. Just like in marriage or in a friendship, if there is an accumulation of too many dysfunctional encounters, with no positives to outweigh the negatives, the relationship dies. It becomes a relationship out of rote, to serve the Letter of the Law–because you have a marriage certificate that says so. It’s a relationship based on the Law of marriage, and not in the Spirit of marriage. A true marriage would be the union of the Law (the marriage certificate, the public wedding, the co-habitation, the sex) with the Spirit (the emotions of love!)
If one has heard through the Prophet that there will be no healing, miracle, or intervention, then we have at least heard God speak to it, have had a conversation with Him about it. (Imagine a friendship or marriage with only one-sided conversations!) If we can trust God as a loving Father about it, and work it all out with Him in two-way conversations, then we can walk away more alive! The Spirit gives life, but the Letter of the Law kills.
The Restoration of God’s Church in the Last Days, will be the restoration of the Prophets and the supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Church, so that finally the Pastors (the stones that form the bedrock of our faith) and the Prophets (the wind that carries the rocks to kill Goliath) can work in unity to become the flying Sword of the Spirit to defeat satan and death, the final enemy.
The Restoration of God’s Church in her End-Times, that God promised me that I would see in my life-time, is the Restoration of God’s prophets to be that breath of God that breathes LIFE into the Dry-Bones in Ezekiel’s vision (Ezekiel 37), that represents the Church badly in need of Revival. The Dry-Bones are the Dead Church that needs to be revived! It is a picture of Resurrection, as the breath of God, through God’s True Prophets, breathes in and resuscitates the Church!
Back to my story….!
There were around 10+ others in the room, including my family, during that New Year’s Eve, who heard this “coincidence of Isaiah 43.” I even pointed out to people this coincidence, hoping that they would “catch it” like the way I’d caught it.
God speaks to Elijah in a “still, small voice,” If one is not attending, and if there is no band-width in one’s life (down-time) to ponder the mysteries of what God may be showing you,—the Sword of the Spirit also falls to the ground, and the Great Cloud of Witnesses (the Biblical Patriarchs Hebrews 12) start to weep… They’re watching the drama of the ending of the Age, unfolding in front of them. They have front-row seats, and they’re cheering us on.
Year 2020
When I was growing up, if one wanted to write a sci-fi story, or an apocalyptic novel, it was common to open the story with the phrase, “In the Year 2020….!” This was literature being prophetic, without realizing it at the time.
In the Year 2020…during January of 2020, there were many sermons preached on the theme of “20/20 Vision”. We were to have 20/20 vision in the year of 2020, but very few people did. Almost everyone saw the arrival of Covid through earthly eyes, which set them off into either Fear (Their focus was on Covid, as if there was no God who is able to protect them from plague); or Anger (because they were looking at themselves, and how government restrictions were going to personally impact them, which included impacting their bank accounts, as well as impacting their personal freedoms). Neither side was was seeing things through spiritual eyes, because spiritual eyes would have told you that the fields are ripe for harvesting (John 4), which meant God was firstly asking the world to share the Gospel with the Unsaved during Covid. Revival in the nations would be the fruit of obedience to seeing things through spiritual eyes, that come from the Spirit. (If you were freaking out in fear or in anger, you were running in the opposite direction of the Spirit.)
So, because God started preparing me for what 2020 would bring, 20 years prior (my daughter’s healing & miracle story which is a story of healing from pneumonia), and because I was LOOKING for God, because of the events of New Year’s Eve 2019—I was looking for the “new thing” that God was going to do in 2020. Isaiah 43 says, “I am doing a new thing! Do you not perceive it?” I was perceiving it! Can you see that I held the Sword of the Spirit in my hands, so I was behaving in the opposite direction of what my natural eyes were telling me, which was to run home and barricade myself, because death in the form of plague, was coming! When one carries the Sword of the Spirit in one’s hand, one is not completely helpless in the face of the enemy. You can at least turn and face the enemy, to check out if what is coming is defeatable by the sword that you hold!
And so this is what I did: So, as the world was in a tizzy about Covid, I was running around telling people that plague is judgement from God, but if we do the right thing, which is repentance, then REVIVAL is coming to the nations! Plague was judgement in the Bible! Why would it be any different in our modern age?! If plague was judgement, then our tools against it must be rooted in the spiritual realm. This meant 2 Chronicles 7:14
…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Spiritual understanding that has come to use through the prophetic (by the Spirit), are the weapons of the Spirit to demolish what is invisible that holds us in captivity. If you are not able to hear the voice of God, or if you are not prophetic, then look for the Prophet, whom God has spoken to, about it:
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
2 Corinthians 1o: 3-5
God’s promises that for our repentance, for our turning from our wicked ways, He will heal our land, and this means Revival. God sees His Church as Ezekiel’s dry-bones (Ezekiel 37), and He wants to revive those bones by breathing into them His Breath of Life, again, so that we may have new life again, to be his End-Time army to defeat satan in the Last Battle.
So, as you can imagine, few at the start of Covid listened to me that Plague is judgement from God and we needed to repent to turn back the hand of God’s judgement! I was functioning as an Elijah who prepares the way of the Lord, by calling the nations to repentance. I didn’t see this at the time, though. It was just practical, good spiritual-logic to speak of what is clearly spoken of in the Bible, which is repentance to solve the problem of plague. Few listened to me and fewer took it to heart. Some were even angry at me, to suggest that Coronovirus (Covid) was released by God for reasons of judgement, even though scripture clearly says God does this (1 Chronicles 21). If someone falls sick, we might not know the reasons for the sickness, but when there is a worldwide plague, we can ABSOLUTELY know the reason for it.
By attributing the release of plague, to God, I put God in the centre of everything, —giving him all the glory (the shekinah!), while the rest of the world shoved Him into some dark corner, not thinking He could possibly tell us what He was up to. I was shocked how many Christians roared back at me that, “God wouldn’t do this, because God is LOVE!” It was surreal to me. We had the same, Bible, didn’t we?
We have a relationship with God, based on feelings, because love includes feelings. Worship is always rooted in feelings. But these feelings have to be grounded in truth, or we’re deceiving ourselves. We may have lovey-dovey feelings towards God, and feel lovey-dovey feelings back from Him. I am not saying these feelings are not authentic, but if you get to the point that you deny external evidence as to the entire character of God, as shown through scriptures, because God is also a God of judgement and wrath, –then you’re on dangerous ground. Your god really isn’t my god, then.
I believe this penchant to define God according to our feelings, is an extension of our post-truth culture, where feelings define reality. Therefore we have such aberrations as people feeling they are a different gender than their chromosomes indicate, and even feeling that they are a different species than their DNA (identifying as a bird, which gets dangerous if you decide to fly off the top of the school roof.)
Plague is always judgement from God in the Bible. God sends out plague. The cure for plague is always repentance. Because the Christian Church during Covid, wanted to believe otherwise, even though the Bible clearly states this over and over, the Christian Church failed the world, because she could have stopped plague if she actually believed the Bible about this, and did what the Bible told her to do, about it.
The Ancients would have torn their clothes and cried to God, and sat in ashes; but we, in our modern “sophistication,” and thinking we are so much smarter than the Ancient peoples decided to try to end the plague without God.
The important issue is that God wants us to be ambassadors of His image on earth. If that image is marred because we are too stuck in feelings to the point that we will ignore the facts, then we’re not reflecting the image of God to the world. We’ve made God into our image, instead of making our images into God’s. What is at stake here, is that to reflect the true image of God is to also wield His authority over the spiritual and earthly realms, which means we have POWER to prophesy, heal, deliver, and release miracles. THIS is why satan works so hard to distort the image of God in our minds, and therefore in our teaching and this affects our behaviours. By doing so, he’s stripping us of supernatural power to overcome his works of hell on earth, that only come from reflecting God’s perfect image to creation and to the demons. If the demons look at you and see you, or a mix of Jesus and you, —you’ll lack authority in commensuration to how far away your image is from God’s. No reflection is no authority. Part reflection is part authority or premature authority. The full image is FULL authority–and then the demons obey or flee!
The tools to stop the pandemic, since the roots of plague are always spiritual, because the cause for plague is always sin, were for the nations to break apart in repentance before God. If the cause of the plague were spiritual, then the remedy must be spiritual. World-wide restrictions went into effect at the start of LENT 2020, so the Lord was asking the world to LENT! which means to self-examine ourselves for sin, and to repent of our sins, in sackcloth and ashes.
Interpreting the Restoration as a piece of Literature
The Bible is a piece of literature. Scholars use literary techniques to pull out extra revelation from the text. If we’re living in the Book of Revelation, then we can literary techniques, too, to interpret what is going on around us. Writers are intentional when they chose the setting for their stories. The setting of a story includes time & place. Therefore the calendar dates that God choses to do things, are INTENTIONAL, because they give us extra Revelation as to what is happening. The setting for Covid includes New Year’s Eve 2019, and Lent 2020, and others that I will blog about in another post, that say that what we are experiencing is the Elijah of Malachi 4. Elijah in Malachi 4 is called the “SUN.” It’s the Sun that marks time, including calendar dates. It’s also the Sun that gives us the concept of coincidence, because coincidence can be a function of Time. It’s a coincidence because two or more things are happening at the same time, or nearly at the same time.
There is Biblical precedent for the setting giving extra illumination as to the events going on. The most powerful ones occurred during Jesus’s Passion Week. His crucifixion happened on the Passover, indicating that He is the Lamb of God. His Resurrection happened on the Feast of Firstfruits, indicating that He is the first to rise from the dead into eternal glory. It was also the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Scholars say that this shows how Jesus was sinless, but I hear God say that it is because Jesus lay dead in the tomb so He lacked the Breath of Life (Leaven is ‘breath’). Jesus would later breathe out to impart the Holy Spirit to his disciples (John 20.) Jesus ascended during Pentecost, which was the Festival of Weeks (Shavuot) that celebrates the ingathering of the early wheat harvest. I don’t know if scholars see this, but this means that Jesus’s Pentecost was the early intake of the Bread of Life. This must means there is a latter intake, too! The Jewish Feast of the Ingathering happens during the autumn, and this is a prediction of the End-Times, where God will do one last great Ingathering of souls, which I learned during Covid, are God’s purposes for Covid. Covid was to released to lay a foundation of brokenness and repentance around the world, upon which the last great spiritual awakening (a world-wide revival) can be released. I learned during Covid that the Revival that God has been speaking to me about, for 20+ years IS THE prophesied INGATHERING.
All these years I had no idea, and I am glad I had no idea, because the stress would have done me in.
Let me quickly give you an example of coincidence through timing, that speaks illumination as to what is happening in the spiritual realms. When Jesus cried out to give up His Spirit to death, the curtain in the temple ripped in half, symbolizing that the veil is now opened for us to access the presence of God, directly. Those two things happened at the same time. You can write it off as coincidence, or see the invisible hand of God through it, and what He was saying through it. There is no such thing as chance, random, or coincidence.
So, now you can understand why God has chosen certain dates during Covid that give extra illumination as to His purposes for Covid. It’s not quite as weird as it sounds. It’s up to you if you want to see it or not. One must be as a child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18).
This explains how God used New Year’s Eve 2019 to speak to Covid.
A Type of Literature
The Book of Revelation is a piece of surrealism. If what is happening around the world is the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation, then it makes logical sense that as I am writing an “apocalyptic- research paper,” to prove God’s voice in the matter, that it sounds too surreal to be true.
(Welcome to my world! Besides being Apocalyptic-Research Paper, it’s part Detective-Story, part Fairy-Tale, part Investigative-Journalism, part an Apologetics argument, part Surrealist literature, part Three-Act theatre, part Musical-Theatre (when God speaks to me through a song.) This is because GOD is the author of all this! He invented the Arts. God is the original DRAMA-KING!)
If the fact that the Covid restrictions started at the beginning of Lent wasn’t enough “voice of God,” then look at the word, “quarantine.” Quarantine is Latin for the word, “40”. 40 is the days of Lent. 40 was also the number of days for the Temptation of Christ. 40 was the number of years that the Children of Israel wandered the desert, before they entered the Promised Land. 40 was the number of days that it rained during Noah’s ark. 40 is the number of days that Moses spent on Mount Sinai speaking with God. 40 is the number of days that Elijah journeyed to be with God, on Mount Horeb. Each and every symbolic meaning of 40 was at play during the Coronavirus lockdown in 2020! As the world went into Quarantine, God was telling the world that we needed to start LENTING!
If we would do as the Lord had indicated through these symbols spoken out through HOLY DAYS (‘Holiday’ comes from the word, “Holy Day”), He would hopefully turn his hand of judgement away from us. The result would be worldwide REVIVAL! This must be what the Lord was calling me to, when He stepped into my life and so dramatically and miraculously healed my daughter.
In all these years since my daughter’s healing, I did not go around sharing her story much. I knew that “one day,” the day would come for me to share her story widely.
Coronavirus Pandemic Starts
After Coronavirus in 2020 started, I wondered if this was “the time” that God was going to do as He promised me He would do, which is to release a worldwide Revival. So, my daughter’s testimony is about pneumonia. Coronavirus was pneumonia. The Lord had said, “world-wide.” Covid was worldwide. Whether it was “the time,” or not, I did not know, but it was organic (spiritually-logical) that I start to intentionally share her story “far and wide,” to help people with their fears about Covid. As the months went on, the Lord sent me many more signs, over and over, to tell me that THIS was the time that He had called me for. Esther was called for “such a time and place as this.” So, was I. I can’t write about all the signs, but anyone who knows me knows that I have a binder full of external objective-evidence of things that I had no power to make happen. They are the fingerprints of God, speaking to world-wide Revival, which will be the Great Ingathering, before the Return of Christ.
As you can imagine, my message that Revival was on its way, was ignored by most people, because I am a nobody. As time went on, the Lord sent more and more signs. Each time I saw a sign, I would speak it out. There were so many signs that I couldn’t keep up with them all. I couldn’t tell everyone “everything” I was seeing because it was overwhelming and so hard to process. I was so overwhelmed by it all. It was like the Lord opened up a floodgate of the Holy Spirit for me, that came rushing to me, and I couldn’t contain it all, so had to let it out “somehow.”. The experience made my heart feel like dancing, because the majesty of God, through it, was so incredible. At the same time, I was having a hard time getting other people to see it, and that made life feel very crushing, too.
The Lord opened up His floodgates for me, during my daughter’s healing & miracle story, too. It was Joel 2:28. Joel 2:28 says that in the Great Day of the Lord, He would…
And afterward,
Joel 2:28
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your old men will dream dreams,
your young men will see visions.
In my daughter’s story, my mother-in-law, a senior citizen, received a dream from God to warn us that my daughter’s life was in danger. This was 3 weeks before she fell ill. A 4 year old boy, who had never met my daughter, heard the audible voice of Jesus tell him that, “Jocelyn would get better, later tomorrow…” (which came true!) This was God pouring out His prophetic Spirit onto all flesh, as per Joel 2:28
I thought that the Lord had opened up his floodgates to me for my daughter’s healing in such great floods of mercy and grace, but this was NOTHING as compared to the floodgates of his Holy Spirit that was poured out to me, during Covid.
Well, on New Year’s Eve 2019, the Lord had raised me up to be his WATCHMAN for Covid, as Covid is part of his Last-Days plan, so of course God would send floodgates because it was the Great Day of the Lord, and Joel 2:28 is about the Great Day of the Lord. Joel 2:28 is not just for me, though. It’s for you. It’s for everyone. It’s for the NATIONS. Covid is the fulfilment of End-Time scripture, which includes the fulfilment of Joel 2:28. God wants to pour out His Spirit onto you, too, during these challenging times, which include Covid, and Covid is yet not over.
The Lord raised me up to be His Watchman to SEE all this, and to CALL IT OUT, as Watchman, do.
As I write about these things, I hope to be raising you up to God’s Watchman for these same things, for your community, for your church, for your nation, –to prepare for the Omicron Covid resurgence, so that when it starts, you all can stand up against the devil and his hoards, that God may visit the nations again, in world-wide revival.
So, as you read of the things that God spoke to me about Covid, and how He did, it does starts to read like a piece of surrealism, because it is the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation which is surrealistic literature, even though it is true because it is The Bible.
The Bible is a three-act piece of theatre. Act I is Old Testament. Act II is New Testament. Act III is the Book of Revelation. The Bible is literature and scholars do use literary techniques to get at deeper meanings contained in the text.
I am blogging, about it now, because it’s been frankly exhausting trying to share this story to people, personally, over and over.
I am sticking to the major things through which God told me that we are in the Book of Revelation, in this blogpost, but there were a whole lot of other things that I won’t take the time to tell. Most of them, are stored in my journals and may never see the light of day, before Christ’s return. I will try to write out the more important pieces, in the days to come, as I feel led…
Sometime during 2021, God gave me the extrinsic evidence for the significance of Watch Night 2019 (New Year’s Eve, December 31, 2019). I was reading on the internet, and came across, by serendipity (a.k.a as the Divine guiding-hand of God) a bulletin put out by the WHO (the World Health Organization). This bulletin states that China notified the WHO of the appearance of. new pneumonia on December 31, 2019!

Oh! I realized. This must be what God had called me to “watch out” for, on New Year’s Eve 2019, during the Night of the Watchmen! I knew it was Covid because 2020 was all about Covid, but now here was God showing me how LITERAL it was that we were watching for Covid, that evening!
It took me over a year before God opened my eyes to this. This was the fingerprint of God. If God points out something that happened in the past, to confirm and speak Revelation about something happening in the present or future, then this is God. God is yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Receiving confirmation of an event in such a way, negates the possibility of confirmation bias which when I go into the future looking for evidence to support something I believe in. I hope this makes sense.
Well, reading that China notified the WHO of Covid, on New Year’s Eve 2019, was like a ton of bricks confirming to me that what God had promised me that I would see and be a part of, which was world-wide Revival, was absolutely happening. Understanding this made me even more laser-focussed about sharing the Gospel with whomever was willing to hear me, and sharing this prophetic word of God, to Christians to give them understanding of what God’s purposes are, for Covid, and how His Church must align themselves to His purposes, for Revival to be released, or we will not get Revival, but judgement instead.
Malachi 4 says that if Elijah is not able to turn the hearts of the Fathers to their children, and the children’s hearts to their Fathers, that God would “utterly destroy the land,” instead. This is in contrast to 2 Chronicles 7:14 where God will heal our land if we humble ourselves, repent and call out to Him.
It seemed puzzling to me, that no one considered the possibility that Covid was the fulfilment of the prophecies of plague, in the Book of Revelation. People kept on telling me that Jesus is love and wouldn’t do such a thing, because of the New Testament, conveniently forgetting that there is plague for Judgement in the Book of Revelation, that is part of the New Testament.
Correct Witnesses of the Good News
It felt surreal to me that I was doing what one would expect a Christian to be doing during a world-wide plague, which was to see everything through a spiritual lens, to surrender to God the future, to give up control over everything including the matter and timing of my death and the death of my loved-ones, to concentrate on sharing God’s Word with non-Christians and to Christians, —but this was seen by other Christians as being delusional, and irrational. To me, what was irrational and surreal were Christians whom I’ve known for decades, singing songs or quoting scripture about how, “to live is Christ, but to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)” acting in complete opposite of what was coming out of their mouths. I knew it was the complete opposite, because they were singing or speaking out these verse, through face masks. If to die was gain, and you believed the face mask were a deterrent to death, then you would not wear a face mask.
Remember how I said that to reflect the correct image of Jesus, is to exert authority over creation and over the demons? Jesus would not have worn a face mask during plague. Jesus would not have kept at a distance during plague. We know this because Jesus touched the leper, instead of flinching at the possibility that he would pick up leprosy from ministering to the sick and afflicted.
The enemy does not put energy into something, unless he has something huge to gain from it. The face masks were an attempt to block the image of Jesus on our faces, to be a witness to the world, for the sake of the Gospel. It’s rather hard to share the Gospel with people if we’re restricted from being physically near them etc.
Christians are supposed to be the community the least afraid of death, but I didn’t see any difference between the Church, and the rest of the world. During a time when the world was searching for answers about life after death, looking for hope, the fields were ripe for the harvest, meaning that people were more open than ever to hearing the Gospel. Yet, few Christians were capitalizing on this fertile ground, to share the Gospel. They literally didn’t care about the Unsaved, because they were too busy trying to save their own skins—either through shutting everything down and barricading themselves, or through anger about restrictions that was scaring away non-Christians from even considering Jesus.
Neither was God’s way, during a pandemic. Non-Christians aren’t going to come near you if you’re terrifying them through your unmasked faces. On the opposite side of things, the way that some Christians left their posts out of Fear, and fled in terror brought shame to the name of God. That wasn’t a good witness about what a follower of Jesus is. Christians are supposed to be the most surrendered about the possibility of death, and to fear God above all things, but we feared Death, more.
Neither fear nor anger reflected the true image of God on our faces, therefore we were being a terrible witness of Jesus to the world, so no wonder Revival “skipped us.”
The guiding principle during Covid, was to do whatever was necessary to bring people closer to Christ, including and especially the Unsaved. If that meant masks and restrictions, to avoid offending or terrifying non-Christians, then that was the way. However, we would put no faith in those things to protect us during Plague, because “to live is Christ, but to die is gain!” (Phil 1:21) — Nothing happens randomly or accidentally. If Covid took us, then it was God’s will, and nothing could have prevented it. “Thou He slay me, yet will I praise Him!” (Job 13:15) We mask and adhere to restrictions to not be a stumbling block to the Non-Christian to accept Christ, but we put no faith in these things. We actively work to take in souls for Jesus, as this was God’s purpose for plague, —judgement to bring us to repentance. This was seeing Covid through spiritual eyes.
Do you really think 0.5 mL of liquid can over-rule the will of God?
The Fear of God is the beginning of Wisdom (Psalm 111). During Covid, I looked through the Bible for any instance where God approves of fear. There is only ONE context, in the Bible, where we are encouraged to fear and this is to FEAR THE LORD.
Neither Fear nor Anger on our faces, was the correct reflection of the image of God to the world, that was ripe to give attention to the questions of whether there is Life after Death.
The Holy Spirit is the Breath of Life
Jesus breathed out in order to give the Holy Spirit to His disciples (John 20). Fear literally takes our breath, away. Fear causes us to hyperventilate, to faint, to pass out. Anger, in Hebrew, means to be “short-nosed.” So, short-nosed people can’t take up much air, either.
This means that the Church that went the way of Fear or Anger, were both running short of the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This tells me that the leading of the Holy Spirit comes through our highest brains, which is the cerebral cortex. Those of us who went into Fear or Anger (fright or fight mode) were operating in our lower grains, which are our Reptilian brains, which are our snake brains.
The attack of Covid was primarily an attack on our spiritual breath, the breath of God in our lives, the leading of the Holy Spirit. The whole world went into terror, during the beginning of Covid. For some, during Covid, satan tried to squeeze out their spiritual breath by attacking their physical breath, through pneumonia, too. Covid was primarily a spiritual attack, because though not all fell seriously ill with Covid, all were attacked by the fear of it.
Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which comes through the Breath of Life—God’s Church erred into two directions. They erred by falling into Fear & Control; or to Anger & Control. Taking control measures is the opposite of surrender and humility to God, which is what He wanted from His Church, before He would stop the plague.
The grabbing up of control is ourselves acting as “Pharaoh” who resists surrendering control of our lives to God, which includes surrendering to God control to extend our lives, or not.
A personâs days are determined;
Job 14:5
you have decreed the number of his months
and have set limits he cannot exceed.
Pharaoh, in ancient Egypt, spent a life-time trying to extend his life, by building an after-life. This was by building a pyramid for his after-life, on the backs and on the lives of thousands of Slaves. This was also by hoarding stashes of his belongings to furnish this “future home”, and by even trying to take his physical body with him (mummification technology).
All instances where we lacked surrender to the sovereign will of God, during Covid, were instances of ourselves making ourselves Pharaoh, who would extend his life on his own terms.
Scriptural Confirmation
So, when God REALLY wants to confirm something to me, He will give me scriptural backing. The thing is, it may not be the traditional use of a passage of scripture. Well, the prophetic is God speaking revelation to us, and revelation is about new things. In this case, there is a play-on-words, a literary technique found often in the Bible, because God is speaking revelation on the Book of Revelation! God takes a familiar passage of scripture and speaks something new through it. This is what the Prophets do. Prophets are the creative, “out of the box” types of thinkers. They have to be open-minded in order to receive new ideas, because this is what spiritual revelation is. It’s a NEW UNDERSTANDING!
So, I try to regularly read through the entire Bible. At some point in 2021, I was reading through the Book of Exodus, I came upon a passage that jumped out at me, months after I learned that China notified the WHO of a new pneumonia on New Year’s Eve 2019, and this gave me even greater illumination about what God was up to! It told me something NEW, that helped explain Covid, and of which I’m pretty sure no one in the history of Mankind has ever seen through this passage of scripture, before:
The Passover
The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, âThis month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.
Exodus 12:1-2
Oh my! I saw something new here, and something very relevant to what God was doing through Covid. Here in this Biblical passage, God tells the children of Israel, that now that they have been released from slavery in Egypt, that this would be a start of a new calendar year for them, symbolizing a new start in their life.
So, if their release from captivity in Egypt, was the start of a new year, then the night of their Passover, was a TYPE OF New Year’s Eve!
Oh my glory! This means that New Year’s Eve 2019, was the NIGHT OF THE PASSOVER, for the world.
It took me over a year to see this scripture, to finally figure out the “fullness” of what God had brought me through on New Year’s Eve 2019, to prepare me for Covid. We were watchmen that New Year’s Eve. We were up to see the arrival of Covid. Now, I understood that we had experienced a Passover that night. This suddenly placed Covid as a Second Exodus.
The Night of the Watchmen, that year, was to watch for the PASSOVER of the Angel of Death, that flew over the world, as each time-zone rolled over into a new year! Watch Night is for the entire world, because we are all up waiting for Midnight on New Year’s Eve. This means that the Angel of Death passed over all us, during Midnight that New Year’s Eve. We celebrated at the stroke of Midnight, because this was the moment of our release from Slavery, just like for the Israelites during the Old Testament Passover.
The Angel of Death passed over the world, as China notified the WHO of a new pneumonia on New Year’s Eve 2019.
Better yet!, we were on the way to Sonship (Romans 8:15, which is the Promised Land) starting on the next day, which was New Year’s Day.
I don’t think anyone saw Covid as a positive thing, but this is why God asked us on New Year’s Eve, “Do you perceive it? …I am doing a new thing…streams in the desert…” (Isaiah 43)
Revelation came. Suddenly, in ~2021, I understood that Covid was really a “wandering of the Children of Israel for ’40 Years’ (the Lenting that we were supposed to do, during quarantine)” because we were going through another Exodus!
(God might still have more to say about New Year’s Eve 2019. I may think I’ve seen the fullness of the Revelation, but I am always aware that I may be wrong when I think I’ve got the entire Word. God always answers my prayers with more than I expect, or can even conceive of in my wildest imaginations! Ephesians 3:20)
A Second Exodus
So, as far as I knew, in 2021, I was the only wacky person who ever existed who understood that God would do a second Exodus… but then God continued to bring me MORE evidence that He is taking us through another Exodus.
So, to try to understand more of what God was trying to show me by saying that we are going through a Second Exodus, I tried to draw analogies between Covid and the Exodus from the Old Testament of the Bible. Well, there’s the crossing of the Red Sea. It must have been a terrifying passage because everyone would have been terrified of drowning. Well, what is pneumonia, exactly? Pneumonia is when your lungs fill up with liquid from the inside. Pneumonia is drowning from within. At that moment, I understood that God saw Covid as a Red Sea passage for His Children. My job was to guide the Children of God through the parting of the Red Sea.
Remember the passage from Isaiah that both my friend Debbie, and myself brought to our Watchmen’s Night of Prayer 2019?
16 This is what the Lord saysâ
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters,
18 âForget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
ďťżIsaiah 43
I had spent over a year trying to perceive what God was doing, that it was a new thing but a GOOD thing. (Who thinks that plague can be a good thing?!)
Now that I understood that Covid was a crossing through the Red Sea, then verse 16 held so much more meaning!
16 This is what the Lord saysâ
Isaiah 43
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters,
Moreover, I went back to Isaiah 43 to look at the whole chapter. The whole chapter is specifically speaking to The Exodus. I saw verse that told me that God’s purposes for Covid are to defeat Pharaoh which are the parts of us that are not surrendered to God, that think we can control our destinies, control the timing and manners of our deaths; BUT ALSO to defeat godless governments (Pharaoh in the nations) that set their faces against Yahweh to determine the destiny of the world, apart from the blood of Christ.
These verses were not part of the prophetic word that started that New Year’s Eve 2019, but the Lord added them, because they were from the same chapter in the Bible, and they were specifically about the Exodus.
Israelâs Only Saviour
But now, this is what the Lord saysâ
he who created you, Jacob,
he who formed you, Israel:
âDo not fear, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine.
2 When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire,
you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
3 For I am the Lord your God,
the Holy One of Israel, your Savior;
I give Egypt for your ransom,
Cush and Seba in your stead.
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,
I will give people in exchange for you,
nations in exchange for your life.
5 Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the east
and gather you from the west.
6 I will say to the north, âGive them up!â
and to the south, âDo not hold them back.â
Bring my sons from afar
and my daughters from the ends of the earthâ
7 everyone who is called by my name,
whom I created for my glory,
whom I formed and made.â8 Lead out those who have eyes but are blind,
who have ears but are deaf.
9 All the nations gather together
and the peoples assemble.
Which of their gods foretold this
and proclaimed to us the former things?
Let them bring in their witnesses to prove they were right,
so that others may hear and say, âIt is true.â
10 âYou are my witnesses,â declares the Lord,
âand my servant whom I have chosen,
so that you may know and believe me
and understand that I am he.
Before me no god was formed,
nor will there be one after me.
11 I, even I, am the Lord,
and apart from me there is no savior.
12 I have revealed and saved and proclaimedâ
I, and not some foreign god among you.
You are my witnesses,â declares the Lord, âthat I am God.
13 Yes, and from ancient days I am he.
No one can deliver out of my hand.
When I act, who can reverse it?âGodâs Mercy and Israelâs Unfaithfulness
14 This is what the Lord saysâ
your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel:
âFor your sake I will send to Babylon
and bring down as fugitives all the Babylonians,
in the ships in which they took pride.
15 I am the Lord, your Holy One,
Israelâs Creator, your King.â16 This is what the Lord saysâ
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters,
17 who drew out the chariots and horses,
the army and reinforcements together,
and they lay there, never to rise again,
extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:
18 âForget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.
20 The wild animals honor me,
the jackals and the owls,
because I provide water in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland,
to give drink to my people, my chosen,
21 the people I formed for myself
that they may proclaim my praise.22 âYet you have not called on me, Jacob,
you have not wearied yourselves for me, Israel.
23 You have not brought me sheep for burnt offerings,
nor honored me with your sacrifices.
I have not burdened you with grain offerings
nor wearied you with demands for incense.
24 You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me,
or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices.
But you have burdened me with your sins
and wearied me with your offenses.25 âI, even I, am he who blots out
Isaiah 43
your transgressions, for my own sake,
and remembers your sins no more.
26 Review the past for me,
let us argue the matter together;
state the case for your innocence.
27 Your first father sinned;
those I sent to teach you rebelled against me.
28 So I disgraced the dignitaries of your temple;
I consigned Jacob to destruction
and Israel to scorn.
Most startling to me was how literal it was. If we were in a Second Exodus so God’s purposes through Covid were to defeat Pharaoh in the nations, then it would be a complete and final defeat because of verses 16-17
16 This is what the Lord saysâ
Isaiah 43
he who made a way through the sea,
a path through the mighty waters,
17 who drew out the chariots and horses,
the army and reinforcements together,
and they lay there, never to rise again,
extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:
Character Names in Literature are Intentional
So, to make things more surreal, my Chinese name (ć §é˛) is literally “Wise Cloud.” This is another story in and of itself. Long-story, short, it appears that the Lord calls me to be a Pillar of “Cloud,” through Wisdom, to guide people through Covid, to the Promised Land (Revival in the nations). The Pillar of Cloud, in the Old Testament Exodus gave light to Israel (revelation) but darkness towards Pharaoh (those who prefer to be stuck The Nile/Denial).
So, the Pillar of Cloud in the Old Testament, worked in conjunction with the Angel of the Lord in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 14;19-20). I believe the Angel of the Lord is an Elijah-figure, because angels have “wings,” and Elijah rises with healing in his WINGS in Malachi 4. The Pillar of Cloud and the Angel of Lord obviously led the Children of God, along with Moses, out of Slavery, through the Red Sea, through the desert, to their Promised Land. Moses was a part of this unfolding drama of Covid. Moses appears in Malachi 4, too.
(This only works to make meaning, if you believe literary techniques can help us interpret God’s voice in the Bible, and in our present times which is the fulfilment of the Book of Revelation, which is part of the Bible, and therefore is a piece of literature. When one writes a story, the NAMES of the characters (i.e. my Chinese name) are intentional and therefore can be a significant source of illumination during the interpretation of a piece of literature. Literature, and especially Hebrew Biblical literature also has “play on words” so the play-on-words between The Nile/Denial is meaningful! )
More Evidence of a Second Exodus
So, in 2021, learning that China notified the WHO of a new pneumonia on New Year’s Eve 2019, and that it was a type of Passover, —I understood that we are going through a Second Exodus. I understood that Covid was a Red Sea passage. Months later, I watched a documentary by Tim Mahoney, called “The Red Sea Miracle II” which is about the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. I was looking for more hints about what to do about Covid. Woah. I didn’t know how literal the help would be!
The documentary ends with a segment that talks about a “coincidence” that led Tim Mahoney to meet up with a young man who drowned, as a boy, and whom the power of the Holy Spirit raised back up to complete health. The story of the this miracle was told in the 2019 movie, “Breakthrough.”
Well, the movie is entitled, “Breakthrough” aptly, because MY breakthrough moment happened when I was watching the last 10 minutes of the documentary, where a scholar is seen speaking that the Jews are expecting a SECOND EXODUS?! Oh my! What?!!!! You mean there is someone else out there who believes in a Second Exodus?! Even more amazing to me, is that near the end of the documentary, I realize that I was not watching a video that was produced years ago. The documentary started speaking about George Floyd (#Icantbreathe) and Covid! Oh my! I had no idea that this documentary that I was watching in 2021, was so contemporary that it was mentioning even Covid. The Lord had this documentary produced and created during Covid, to speak a prophetic Word to me. In this case, it was to give me more understanding about The Restoration of Church, that He is doing in these Last Days.
More incredible, was when Tim Mahoney, starts unknowingly “prophesying” to the present “Elijah/Moses” by saying, “[During Covid], we are in many ways, going through a RED SEA moment!” This part of Tim Mahoney’s documentary is so important to my collection of evidence about what God is doing through Covid, that I uploaded an excerpt of it onto my own Youtube account. You can view the the clip here: Red Sea Miracle II.
So, upon hearing this mention that Tim Mahoney feels that during Covid, we are in a “Red Sea” moment, it was a confirmation of the idea that I already had the Covid was a Red Sea passage. I understood that not only is the idea of a Second Exodus not just mine that God told me directly about during Covid through the events I’ve recounted for you, thus far –but there are others in the world expecting it, and they’ve been expecting it for millennia.
For Tim Mahoney, he was speaking in a general way, and not realizing that He is prophesying. For me, hearing this was the the voice of God literally confirming to me that we are in a Second Exodus and that Covid is a Red Sea passage. Moreover, God was giving me evidence to give to the world, to support the difficult message He has given me of what to do through the upcoming Red Sea passage, that no one will easily believe. Even with such astonishing evidence, there will be those who won’t believe, but for those who do believe, they will become the front soldiers for the Restoration and will be included in the remnant, after plague, through whom God will build a new church and a new earth, upon.
It’s not a passive thing whether you get to be that remnant. God has been very specific as to how one gets protection during Covid, to be a part of this remnant.
So, after viewing Tim Mahoney’s documentary, I understood that the Jews are expecting a Second Exodus. Well, the Second Exodus is underway,—-and how interesting that God has chosen a Gentile (me) to speak it out. God is saying that the Second Exodus is for everyone, because Covid is world-wide, and he’s using a Gentile to speak it out. This means that the Promised Land is for everyone too.
Another Piece of Evidence
During Good Friday, 2021, the Lord brought something in front of me, during a Good Friday church service that told me that Elijah represents judgement! I didn’t know that. For 20+ years I’ve been looking for Elijah and he represents healing for me, because Elijah, the Sun of Righteousness rises with healing in His Wings/Rays in Malachi 4:2-3. All these years, I ignored the part of Malachi 4 that speaks of judgement, because I didn’t know what that meant, and didn’t want to think about it, because who wants to think about judgement? So for me, all these years, Elijah was about healing.
I knew that the Jews always put out a 5th cup of wine, for Elijah, during their Seder Meal, which is their Passover meal, that commemorates their Exodus out of slavery during the Christian Easter period. I knew about this 5th cup of wine, and have placed it on my own table, when I have celebrated Seder with my family. It was meaningful for me to place that 5th cup of wine, because the mantle of Elijah is on me. As well, during the Seder meal, we open the front door at some point, and proclaim, “Welcome Elijah!” as an invitation for Him to arrive. I’ve been waiting for Elijah for 20+ years, so that was meaningful. So, I didn’t know there was any deep underlying meanings to the 5th cup of wine besides being a gesture of fellowship (We drink wine with friends during celebrations.) Please view this short segment, that was shown at my church, during Good Friday 2021, that told me what the 5th cup of wine represents!
The 5th Cup of Wine, set aside for Elijah, I discovered at that moment, represents the WRATH of God!
So, at that moment, I was utterly stunned, My sons, who normally aren’t very keen about my prophetic side, were equally stunned, and stunned for me. All these years, I have been looking for Elijah and had no idea that Elijah was judgement, as well as healing. Well, I should have realized this, because judgement is spoken of at the beginning of Malachi 4, but I didn’t pay any attention to it, therefore I was so surprised.
So, in the months afterwards, I learned that the Jews believe that Elijah will precede the arrival of their Messiah, but that he comes in judgement. They cite Malachi 4 as speaking of this, because Malachi 4 describes the “Great Day of the Lord,” which is the Day of Judgement at the End of the Age. Malachi 4 opens up with verses about judgement:
Judgment and Covenant Renewal
âSurely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and the day that is coming will set them on fire,â says the Lord Almighty. âNot a root or a branch will be left to them. But for you who revere [Fear] my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,â says the Lord Almighty.
Malachi 4: 1-3
Christians sing a song saying, “These are the Days of Elijah,” because for them, the Elijah outpouring is a time of Revival in the nations.
So, is Elijah judgement or revival? Well, it appears it is both. Malachi 4 speaks of judgement, but also of healing. I’m rather afraid that judgement will go to the Gentiles for their lack of reverence and obedience to God. We have been presuming on the grace of God, too much. Malachi 4 says that for those who FEAR God’s name (Malachi 4:2-3), the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in His wings! The Gentiles do not fear God. It is the Jews that fear bringing disrepute to the name of God, to the point that they have the fear of God on them to even mention the holy name of God, aloud. So, I actually believe Revival will firstly go to the Jews, during the Days of Elijah, but that judgement will firstly go to the Gentiles. It won’t be exactly this black & white though. It will be down to people’s hearts, at the end of the day, of course.
The Arrival of the Messiah
So, as the Jews expect Elijah to come, in judgement, to make way for the arrival of their Messiah, and the Christians are looking for the return of Christ, then Jesus’s Return is BOTH of these things. Jesus’s return will be the coming of the Jew’s Messiah, and Jesus will do for them, what they had hoped He would do the first time that He arrived, which was to set up His Kingdom of Peace and His Heavenly reign on earth. Jesus’s first arrival did not do this, and so the Jews “missed Jesus.” They won’t miss him, this second arrival. It might be the Gentiles that will miss his arrival this second time, as they keep on looking for signs of His arrival that are spoken of in mainstream speculations of what the End-Times will look like. It appears that the End-Times will be quite different from what mainstream ideas of what the End-Times are. No one sees it as a Second Exodus, and everyone missed that Covid was the start of the Second Exodus, and therefore a part of End-Time events. You can see that I am speaking out things that aren’t in regular discourse about the End-Times. Those who write, teach, and preach The Book of Revelation don’t claim to have received their ideas of what the End-Times will be like, through revelation by the Holy Spirit. I am.
Ironically, God has chosen me be the recipient of such revelation, because I have no intention or interest in seeing End-Time things. I have no personal interest in the End-Times and have feared it and have tried to keep as far away as I could, from it. I stumbled upon these discoveries, which felt like chance encounters with Holy Spirit, because they were not intentional, but were really providential acts of God to raise me up as His Watchman for the End of the Age.
Scholars have already missed Covid, as being the fulfillment of End-Time prophecy. I think they’ll continue to miss other signs. It appears Man, in the foolishness of his human-wisdom, that tries to interpret the Book of Revelation, apart from Divine Revelation, has actually created a stumbling block to the world to recognize the real signs of the End-Times. Plague is mentioned in the Book of Revelation, yet few considered that Covid was the fulfillment of The Book of Revelation. There were God’s Watchmen speaking this out, but they were ignored.
When Jesus gives a stern warning against “adding or taking away” from the Book of Revelation, I believe it refers to teaching about the End-Times, through Man’s Wisdom, that will actually cause the Church to stumble and not recognize that we are in the Book of Revelation right now.
So, life during Covid in 2021, was moving along. I knew SO MUCH, but it was hard to convey to people. On one hand, receiving such revelation from God sent me “over the moon,” with happiness, joy, and marvel at the amazing ways of God. On the other hand, I was like John the Baptist, which was a voice calling in the desert–speaking out but hearing only crickets (locust)– and not making much of a difference, as there was no fruit to be seen.
Still, I had no choice to stop, because I knew that “everything” depends on this message getting out and being understood by the Nations, so that God’s Church will understand what to do, to be kept safe to do the last great task of the Church. I knew that in time, the Lord would eventually make a way for His Word through me, to go to the Nations. In the meanwhile, I was to persevere and to stop weeping about all the challenges, because one day, I would carry home a great harvest in my arms
Psalm 126
A song of ascents
1 When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
Psalm 126
we were like those who dreamed [feels surreal]
2 Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
âThe Lord has done great things for them.â
3 The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
4 Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
5 Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
6 Those [she] who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them [her]
The Jews long for their return to their home of the nation Israel. For Christians, we long for our entrance to our Promised Land, which is when Christ comes for His bride, His Church. I believe that what is to come will be both. It will be a restored earth, where Christ will establish His heavenly Kingdom here on earth, and it will be a new earth, where the lion and lamb will lie together, where God’s children—Jacob (Jews), Esau (Palestine), and Ishmael (Muslims) live together in love and in peace, unified by their love for their, brother, “Jesus”—the Firstborn of many Sons (Romans 8:29). Gentiles can be grafted into the Family Tree of Israel (Romans 11), so we will all “be Israel” together, like that. Unity in Christ will open the way for healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation between the three brothers. This is how peace will come to Israel at the End of the Age.
A Second Exodus confirms that we are in the Book of Revelation
I started this blogpost by writing that the Lord told me that we are in the Book of Revelation, through a roundabout way, which is when He told me that Covid was the start of a Second Exodus. At this moment, we’re wandering around the Desert of Sinai, and vulnerable to attack by satan if we give into temptations of further fear, anger, and control.
God takes us through our journeys, not by the direct-route, by through twists and turns, which is the long-route. This is because God does not do short-cuts! He did not allow the Children of God to take the short-cut to the Promised Land, in the Book of Exodus. God took them the long way around, because He knew that His children would be greatly tempted to defect to foreign and pagan nations, where they could have instant comfort and security,– instead of relying on God to take them through the desert to a better Promised Land! Once God’s children defected to pagan nations, they would be lost to Him forever, and God is not willing that He lose a single child of His.
February 2021
On Sunday, February 21, 2021, a pastor at my church, preached on the topic, “Avoiding Short-Cuts.” A few days later, on February 24, 2021, the online registration system for Albertans (people in my province) to sign up for the Covid vaccines, opened up for the first time. I didn’t know about the opening up of the registration system, until the Friday of that same week, when a friend of mine told me about this. A few days later, on Sunday (February 28, 2021), the Lord woke me up from my sleep, and said, “SHORT-CUTS,” to. me—as clear as a bell. It was not an audible voice, but it was as clear as it it was. I groaned and rolled out of bed, because I knew instantly what the Lord was telling me and asking me to do about it, and I was NOT HAPPY about it!
It was prophetic that God woke me up with this announcement. He was telling me that those who aren’t aware the the vaccines would be a short-cut, are spiritually asleep. When I realized it, I woke up! …and then things during Covid became laser-focussed for me. The Lord released Covid in order to break the nations, to lay a foundation upon which, world-wide Revival might spring forth from, but the obstacle would be that God’s people would be tempted to take the short-cut out of the pandemic into their version of the Promised Land, which is a paltry substitute. People wanted things to return to how the world was like, before Covid started. That was the Promised Land they had in their sights. Sigh. They didn’t know that God was wanting way more for them.
So, you might think it’s awfully contrived to link the opening up with the vaccines for Albertans to a sermon on short-cuts, just because they happened during the same week, for me. Well, I’m the watchman that God has raised up for Covid, and I live in Alberta, and so the Lord timed these things to happen in such a way, because He knew I would see it and get the message, but the message would be for the whole world.

The short-cut of the vaccines brought us “instant relief of our fears of death and an illusion of security,” but as God knew, brought us into the arms of the goddess of Athena (goddess of pagan wisdom), and away from His Wisdom which is pure, and everlasting. The Wisdom of Man brings death, because Eve in the Garden of Eden, thought she had received Wisdom through eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, but it was really Death.
The Mantle of Elijah
The calling I have on my life is in the Spirit of Elijah. It’s not easy to explain how I know this, but one of the reasons I explained at the beginning of the blog, is that I keep on following the bread crumb’s (the little pieces of God’s Word) that appear in my path, just like Hansel & Gretel did, and they always lead to the house of the witch, which is jezebel.
Elijah, in the Old Testament fought against Queen Jezebel. So, jezebel shows up in The Book of Revelation in Revelation 2:20, in the Letter to the Church of Thyratira.
Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols.
Jezebel 2:20
All these 20+ years, I uncovered jezebel through how she creates False Prophets. I can’t get into this through a blogpost, but I wrote a book’s worth of discernment about this.
During these years, I uncovered jezebel through how she tempts people into sexual immorality. Malachi 4:5-6 speaks about God turning the hearts of the Fathers to their Children, and the hearts of the Children to their Fathers. One of these “turnings,” is how Christians are taking back their roles as the primary educators of their children, because of LGBT Sex Ed that has entered school curriculum, which Canada sent bureaucrats to the United Nations, to try to spread to the world.
At no point during these past 20+ years of uncovering jezebel, did I spend any time trying to understand how she “misleads God’s servants into the eating of foods sacrificed to idols.” I couldn’t see how this could ever be possible in our modern age. As a consequence, I never gave a thought to the issue. So, you can imagine how I FREAKED when I learned that mainstream theologians were promoting the vaccines by quoting Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 8, 10 and Romans 8, that we are allowed to eat foods sacrificed to idols, so we can take the Covid vaccines!
Oh my! This was a 1:1 correspondence to scripture, but people turned a blind-eye to it. Rather, they preferred the scriptures that seemed to support their desire to control things and to save themselves from 1 Corinthians 8, 10 and Romans 8.
So, we know that the Letters to the Churches in Corinth and in Rome, were written “for that time” and much of it is applicable for “our times.” What is and is not applicable to our time, is very debatable in some parts of these letters. BUT! It is without a shadow of doubt that The Book of Revelation was written in that time, and is for OUR TIMES. Therefore, it shouldn’t have been a topic of debate whether Revelation 2:20 was applicable to the Covid.
I was stunned to see the Church commit the sin of jezebel in Revelation 2:20, to lead God’s children astray in the eating of food sacrificed to idols, in support of the Covid vaccines.
Let me do some teaching so that you may understand what Paul’s words were speaking to, in the Letter to the Churches in Corinth and in Rome. In that period of history, meat was commonly offered to idols, and used in pagan worship rituals that involved sexual depravity. These pieces of meat would often later end up in the market places, to be sold for food, and priced very cheaply, because it was “recycled meat.” Those who were rich, could pay a higher price to obtain meat that was guaranteed to not have been offered to idols. This, as you can imagine, created a division in the church between those who were rich and prideful that they weren’t eating meats offered to idols, and those who were poor, who could not afford anything else.
The issue of food being sacrificed to idols written in the Letters of the Apostle Paul, had little to do with God believing that it is “no big deal” to eat food offered to idols, but EVERYTHING to do with status, pride, and money. Everything always ends up being up about money, if you drill down far enough!
Paul, when he said that it was permissible to eat food sacrificed to idols, was trying to relieve the distress of Christians who bought from the regular market-place, and could not tell if what they bought was idol meat or not; or were forced to buy such meat, because they could not afford anything better.
There are many more passage throughout the Bible, than these mentions of the Apostle Paul, where God wants us to have nothing to do with idols.
If Paul’s words are really supposed to be the final word on the eating of food sacrificed to idols, then why does the Chinese Christian Church forbid it? It is common practice for Chinese all over the world throughout history, including in present times, to put out food in front of photos of departed parents, as an offering to their dead spirits that remain around the home, and then later to eat the food. This is ancestral worship, which is the most common “religion” for the Chinese. Yet, the Chinese Christian church would absolutely forbid the eating of such food (i.e. when visiting friends or relatives who practice such) because it’s intuitive for Christians to recoil from such things.
Still, Paul does give the final word about the practice of eating food sacrificed to idols:
Therefore, if what I eat causes my brother or sister to fall into sin, I will never eat meat again,
1 Corinthians 8: 12-13
If the Church were to be in complete alignment with scripture, Pastors would not have taken the vaccines nor encouraged its congregants to take them, using this arguments put out by theologians, that it’s permissible to eat foods sacrificed to idols, that distorted the intentions of Paul’s writings, so it was a false word. It caused God’s children to stumble and to fall into sin.
Woe to those who Depend on the Horses and Chariots of Egypt
I will back up to the Winter of 2020, now. I was alerted by a friend at that time that the Covid vaccines are produced through technology developed in cooperation with Abortion. So, there was no need to rummage through scripture looking for permission or not, to take the Covid vaccines. This is because the vaccines were birthed in death. It is a Biblical principle that death cannot give birth to LIFE. The vaccines were a gift from Molech, the demon-idol that the pagan nations in the Bible sacrificed to, by throwing their children into the fires, in order to preserve or gain personal power. It would be better to die of Covid, than to align ourselves to Molech, for surely God would judge us for such an unholy alliance.
Over and over in scripture, God is angry with Israel each time it made an unholy alliance with a pagan nation, because it could not trust entirely on God.
Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help
Isaiah 31:1-3
and rely on horses,
who trust in chariots because they are many
and in horsemen because they are very strong,
but do not look to the Holy One of Israel
or consult the LORD!
And yet he is wise and brings disaster;
he does not call back his words,
but will arise against the house of the evildoers
and against the helpers of those who work iniquity.
The Egyptians are man, and not God,
and their horses are flesh, and not spirit.
When the LORD stretches out his hand,
the helper will stumble, and he who is helped will fall,
and they will all perish together.
Now that we know that Covid is a Second Exodus, —even more so must we NOT rely on the horses and chariots of Egypt, because they end up on the bottom of the Red Sea! If the Red Sea is a metaphor to describe our passage through Covid… you connect the dots yourself, and hear what God is saying about it!
It is distressing to read that both the helper and the one helped, will perish together.
God does not need to, nor will he ever cooperate with the enemy, to do anything. And especially not with Molech, his most hated enemy (Leviticus 20: 1-5)
Punishment for Child Sacrifice
The LORD spoke to Moses, saying, âSay to the people of Israel, Any one of the people of Israel or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech [throws their children into the fire] shall surely be put to death. The people of the land shall stone him with stones. I myself will set my face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given one of his children to Molech, to make my sanctuary unclean and to profane my holy name. And if the people of the land do at all close their eyes to that man when he gives one of his children to Molech, and do not put him to death, then I will set my face against that man and against his clan and will cut them off from among their people, him and all who follow him in whoring after Molech.
Leviticus 20: 1-5
In Biblical times, the people threw their children into the fire for Molech. In our day and age, we offer our children to Molech, through abortion, where their little bodies are disposed of, in the incinerator, after they are burned to death through injections of chemicals into their home, in their mothers’ wombs. It’s still an offering into the fires.
If you were a sheep of the congregation, it was your pastor’s (the shepherd) responsibility to warn you of the origins of the Covid vaccines, that they were either developed, produced, or tested in cells that were derived from cells of an aborted baby—one from the 1970s, and the other from the 1980s. It was your prophet’s responsibility (the watchman) to warn and give you the specific voice of God to address this challenge in the church, to call out: “The vaccines are a short-cut attempt to revive the world that has fainted out of fear, but it won’t ever take us there. They are the “horses and chariots of Egypt” that God says is WOEFUL to rely on.
If you are a sheep of your congregation, it was not your primary responsibility to understand all this, so you took the vaccines in ignorance. Ask God to forgive you and move on. The horse is already out of the barn. There’s no use in beating yourself up over this. I’ve stopped speaking out about the vaccines, for ages.
One doesn’t need a prophet to know that the vaccines aren’t blessed by God, at this point. This is because they are not working. We are needing boosters after boosters against the different mutations, and most of the population has given up on taking them.
Another point of logic, that we should have anticipated and therefore should have foreseen that the vaccines cannot be God’s solution to the pandemic is that the vaccines are only available to the richer nations. Is this how God works? He only caters to the rich?
The Wisdom of God brings Life. Counterfeit gods (Idols) always disappoint. The vaccines have disappointed us. Do we keep on taking boosters for the rest of our lives? God never disappoints. When He heals, it lasts forever. Moreover, the healing spills over to others around us.
There is a way that seems right to Man, but it the end it leads to death.
Proverbs 16:25
But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.
James 3;17
The Book of Revelation should have given us Revelation to guide us through Covid
The Lord led my church to start a sermon series on the Book of Revelation during September 2023. As I listened to the the Letters to the Seven Churches, I got more detailed revelation as to what was happening during Covid.
During the sermon about the Letter to the Church of Pergamum, I learned that Pergamum was the centre of the worship of healing. Pergamum worshipped the Greek god of Healing, named Asclepius. Asclepius was represented by a snake wrapped around him. The modern medical system, and the World Health Organization (WHO) is symbolized by a snake wrapped around a pole. This symbol refers to Asclepius, but ultimately to the snake that wrapped around the tree in the Garden of Eden. Everything originates with God.
Moreover, there was also a goddess of Hygiene! Hygieia was the goddess of Hygiene. Our obsession with sanitizing our hands during Covid and believing these control measures could supercede the Will of God, for us, was paying homage to Hygieia.
I also learned during the sermon that Pergamum was the centre of the worship of Caesar. This is the worship of human rulers, which is government.
Well, now this was extra illumination as to what was happening during Covid. We really are in the Book of Revelation. I received more clarity:
The world, and sadly, including the Church had more faith in the god of Asclepius (the modern medical system, the WHO) to heal them from illness and death, and more faith in the god of Caesar, who represents world governments, to protect them from illness and death. Therefore the Church went into two diametrically opposite directions during Covid. The Church went into either fear and barricading themselves during plague (faith in Asclepius). or into anger spending her time and energy fighting the government.
The mission during plague is the Great Commission, and fear put us into hiding so the world lost our witness, or Anger took up our time and attention so we didn’t preach the Gospel, and in fact, were a stumbling block to the Unsaved to come hear Jesus!
The sermon taught that Pergamum was the church that was morally compromised. Indeed, this is an excellent way of describing the way that the Church closed its eyes to Abortion, to try to save herself.
The Long Way Around
If you look at scripture, God could have taken the Children of Israel by the Mediterranean Sea, to arrive in Canaan, the Promised Land in a week or so. Scripture says that God did not take them through the “short-cut” because they would have had to face battle against the Peoples by the sea, and they weren’t equipped for war at that point, having only been Slaves their entire lives
When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, âIf they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.â So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.
Exodus 13: 17-18
So, as I listened to the sermon on the Letter to the Church of Pergamum, God gave me more revelation. The Lord did not take the Israelites by the sea, because of the challenge of war, but there was another reason, that didn’t make it into scripture. Some of Children of Israel would have been tempted to defect to those rich, comfortable cities, because it seemed to be the shortest way out of their troubles. If you were wandering in the desert, wouldn’t you be tempted to defect to a seaside city, even if it was a pagan city? (Is this the reason that so many Canadian prairie-born children, dream of moving to Vancouver?)
The trip between Egypt and The Promised Land would have only taken a week or so, but the Israelites had no vision of how wonderful God’s Promised Land would be, so they would not have persevered through the desert, to get to the ultimate prize, but would compromise and settled for the lesser prize, —the short-cut—that would have led them to Pagan territory. They might have comforted themselves to say they would not be influenced by Paganism, but that was a lie. If not them, then their children would definitely have been led astray by living in a pagan nation. Therefore, after a generation of a secular society (since the 1950s), we have a generation of Prodigal Children, who have left their family’s faith.
Therefore God took them the long way around, which was through the desert.
So, we all know that the Children of Israel wandered the desert for 40 years, because of their grumbling, complaining, and lack of faith to take the Promised Land, that the Lord was handing them. God waited for 40 years, so that the entire generation of those who fled Egypt but who weren’t grateful to God for their freedom, died out. God’s original plan was not 40 years, but it wasn’t two weeks either that would have taken them by the seaside cities.
As I contemplated these truths, I understood that during the first War with Covid, God’s church DEFECTED to Pergamum! We had more faith in Asclepius, as represented by the World Health Organization, in Hygieia, as represented by the hand-sanitizers, or in Caesar, thinking that world governments and their controls and restrictions would save us from plague.
We took the short-cut!
So, in this blogpost alone, we encountered the the sins of the Church of Thyratira and the Church of Pergamum from The Book of Revelation.
The Link between the Second Exodus to the Book of Revelation
So, in the same way that God took the Israelites through the long and twisting route, to get to the Promised Land, God took me through the long, convoluted way to tell me that we are in the Book of Revelation by starting with the Second Exodus.
How did God tell me?
Around Christmas 2021, I stopped by a Christian bookstore in my city, called, “Better Books and Bibles.” It sells used Christian books, as well as new Christian material etc. I don’t know how I spotted this, but I came across through serendipity (a.k.a. as the Divine Hand of God) a book that describes the BOOK of REVELATION as a SECOND EXODUS!

This book is an Exposition of The Book of Revelation “with parallels and types” from Israel’s Exodus from Egypt. So, this explains why God’s prophetic voice speaks to me for the last 20+ years, through typology, which is a literary technique, and specifically through the typology of Slavery.
Through the events of the Night of the Watchmen, December 31, 2019, God provided extra illumination that the broken child-identity of Slave, that I have been looking at for 20+ years, is linked to the Second Exodus. Moreover, it gives me credence that God can speak to me this way through typologcy, because God had already spoken in such a way, to the theologian, that wrote this book.
The book, “Second Exodus” was written by Le Roy Gager, first Principal of Canadian Baptist Seminary in the 1980s. The forward was written by Carl Amerding, professor of Old Testament studies at Regent College, Vancouver B.C. So, this book was written by mainstream Evangelical theologians. It is reputable writing!
The Old Testament Exodus shapes everything in the Jewish mind, about His identity and His future destiny. The Promised Messiah would deliver them out of Slavery into the Promised Land. The word, “Exodus” can also mean “deliverance”. Jesus, when he descended from the Mount of Transfiguration where he spoke with Moses & Elijah, is described using the word, “exodos” to describe his departure from the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus’s descent from the mountain, to start his journey to the Cross, was described as Jesus’s exodus!
The Prophetic Voice of the Arts
I know the idea is hard to fathom in our “rational world” that allusions and types, that are literary techniques, can speak revelatory truth. God created the Arts and I hear him saying that He is taking back the Arts as a vehicle for people to understand the Divine. It was that way, many centuries ago. and God is taking the role of the Arts back, because they belong to Him! The Arts were created by Him, to reveal Himself (visual, dramatic, literary art) and as a conduit for worship to Him (musical art, though we can worship him through all forms of art). And God is in the process of taking back the authority of the Arts, to do this again.
Prophecy is receiving revelation, which are NEW things. Prophecy comes from The Holy Spirit who is the part of God that births new things, that was in charge of Creation at the beginning of Time. What is the voice in the creative arts (art, music, drama, literature) but the voice that births new things, so it is Holy Spirit that is speaking through the Arts? So, it shouldn’t be surprising that the Arts may speak prophetically, without necessarily intending to. This is God. We are fumbling along in our foolishness, and He prophesizes through our foolish (weak) states (2 Corinthians 12:9).
There are many instances of people speaking prophetically without intending to. See all the Old Testament prophets. They didn’t know they were prophesying Jesus. Mary, who anointed Jesus with perfume, didn’t realize she was doing a prophetic act, which was to prepare his body for burial.
This book, The Second Exodus is now out of print, so it’s a marvel that I came across it. Well, it’s not a marvel, when you know God is able to and very willing to bring across to me, by serendipity or providence, things to help me understand the coming Restoration of His Church & the Earth. You can call this REVIVAL, but God has always spoken it to me, using the word, “Restoration.”
Receiving Revelation through Metaphor
My daughter’s lung was restored, and so God is saying, through parallelism (using a metaphor), that He sees His Church as having a gangrenous lung, lacking the full breath of God, which means lacking the full breath of Life, meaning lacking the full power of supernatural gifts and prophetic voice of the Holy Spirit. My daughter’s left lung was the smaller lung, but it was the lung by the heart. God is saying that the part of the Church that lies closest to His heart, –the Prophets that hear His voice the most directly, therefore the most clearly, –are infected with a virus (a stronghold of lies) that has left their capacity to breath in and out the Breath of God, gangrenous and dead.
God’s prophets speak to God in the Holy of the Holies. God’s pastors stand just outside, in the Holy Place. A higher standard is required by the Prophets then, but they receive the more finely-tuned version of the Word that goes to His Pastors. The Prophet must then speak the more finely-tuned version back to the Pastor, to give him the greater revelation, to help the Pastor, pastor his flock.
In Biblical times, the Pastors were the Kings. Reference King David, who called himself a Shepherd, when his Sheep were dying of plague due to his sin (1 Chronicles 21).
So, just as my daughter’s lung was miraculously restored, the Lord’s plans for His Church at the End of the Age, are to miraculously restore His Breath of Life to His Church, meaning restoring His children to have the full breath of the Holy Spirit. This includes walking with His children, just as He walked with us in the Garden of Eden. When we fellowship “face2face” with one another, we are speaking with our full breath with each other.
As for the Jews, I am not exactly sure what their hopes are for the arrival of The Messiah, but I will try to learn this in days to come. I know they are believing for the restoration of their Temple on the Temple Mount in Israel, which they call The Third Temple. As Christians believe that the Holy Spirit of God resides in each follower of Christ, then the Restored Temple at the End of the Age is not primarily a building. It is the gathered church, when we stand before God in complete love and unity, worshipping Him in all His Majesty. Our breath, which is the tangible part of the Holy Spirit of God that lives within each believer, rises before His throne of Grace, through worship, as the sweet incense that replaces the aroma of the sacrificial lambs in the Old Testament. This is our worship, that is holy and pleasing to Him (Romans 12:1).
As God’s Church at the End of the Age is a figurative church, and not a literal building, and it is called the New Jerusalem in the Revelation 21, I believe that the Jew’s Third Temple is actually figurative. The restored Christian Church, will also be the Jew’s restored Temple which is the New Jerusalem. This is because the Second Coming of Christ for the Christians will be the coming of the Jew’s Messiah.
It may be that there will be a literal Third Temple on the Temple Mount. If so, it will not be accomplished through blood-shed. The war between Israel and Palestine, is at its root, a sibling-conflict between Jacob (Israel) and Esau (Palestine). These were twin-brothers in the Bible—Twins are supposedly the closest blood relationship a human can have. God has shown us that it is never His desire that one brother kill his other brother. He showed us this principle through the account of Cain killing Abel.
Jesus spoke to a temple that is not a building, but is Spirit, when He spoke to the Samaritan woman (John 4) at Jacob’s Well. The fact that He spoke to a Gentile, about this, is significant. Jesus was speaking to a future Temple without reference to race, racial or physical borders by speaking to a Samaritan– a foreshadowing of what will heal Jacob & Esau (Israel & Palestine), at the End of the Age.
The Restored Temple will be God’s children with the Holy Spirit within them, living collectively in unity and peace. This temple has no borders, so it doesn’t need to be fought over.. It is not subject to decay because it is of the Spirit and the Spirit is eternal.
July 2022
It’s hard to convey the magnitude of this “coincidence,” but in July 2022, my church, Centre Street Church, started a sermon series on EXODUS.
Those of. you who know me personally, know that I have been looking for Revival since 1998, and telling people in 2021, to keep their eyes open for signs of Revival, and then a year later, my church, Centre Street Church, started preaching a sermon series on Revival in the Spring of 2022. I was speaking out Exodus since the Summer of 2021, and then Centre Street Church started preaching a sermon series on Exodus during the Summer of 2022. So, I hope you can appreciate it how significant it was that in my heart, I was seeing The Book of Revelation all during Covid, and then in the Autumn of 2023, Centre Street Church started preaching Revelation.
I have no influence over what my church preaches. This were a series of Undesigned Coincidences, backing up the Word of the Lord, through me.
- I was speaking out Revival from March 2020 (when Covid started in Canada). Then, my church started a sermon series on Revival
- I was speaking out Second Exodus, from the Summer of 2021. Then my church started a sermon series on the Exodus
- I was seeing Covid as the fufillment of the Book of Revelation, Then my church started a sermon series on the Book of Revelation from the autumn of 2023.
These are all Undesigned Coincidences, that I could not have engineered on my own. I see them as confirmation of the Word of the Lord through me that Covid
- is for Revival for the nations
- is to set us free from our captivity to Pharaoh (godless governments)
- is fulfillment from the Book of Revelation, so we’d better be focussed and be “on the job” as the return of Christ is imminent, and we’d better not be found sleeping on the job and flirting with the other gods!
Freedom from Slavery
During the Autumn of 2021, Centre Street Church (CSC) started preaching on the Book of Romans which is about freedom from slavery to sin, which is figurative slavery. During the Summer of 2022, when my church started a sermon series on The Exodus, this was preaching about freedom from literal slavery. From July 2022 to August 2023, CSC was preaching freedom from literal slavery (Exodus) alongside freedom from figurative slavery (Book of Romans).
The Lord is freeing us from captivity to SLAVERY. Anyone who knows me, saw me taking copious notes during all the sermon series. I was actually trying to transcribe the sermons down on paper. (I got to be a ‘scribe’ in a new way, yet like the scribes of the Old Testament!). This is because I was hearing the voice of the Lord speak to immediate future events in relation to. Covid during these sermons. A scientist collects down every minutiae of data, because one never knows which tiny piece of information might be the key to a whole new discovery…
The Pastor speaks out the more general revelation, as he needs to speak to the masses. The Prophets, take the logos coming from the Pastors, to hear the Rhema Word (the Prophetic Word), which is the finely-tuned Word, —so sharp that it functions as the Sword of the Spirit (Rhema), to kill the enemy.
We need both Pastors and Prophets to win the final battle against the enemy, that is over the horizon. This will be the Restored Church, with both lungs working at full capacity.
Then he said to me, âProphesy to these bones and say to them, âDry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord.ââ
Ezekiel 37: 4-6
Ezekiel was called the Watchman of the Lord
âSon of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.
Ezekiel 3: 17
Undesigned Coincidences—is proof that there is an Intelligent Designer working in the background. The question is whether you can hear His voice or not, in all of this that I’ve blogged, as it all hangs together into a single whole, coherent message for God’s Watchmen to cry out to the Nations. God is saying that there is a golden sunrise ahead, but dark days to travail through before we arrive at our Promised Land. It’s always darkest before the dawn. So it will be, right before the dawn of a new age for humanity.
After 30 years of hearing God speak to me as His prophet that prepares the way for the return of Christ, in the spirit and power of Elijah, I never anticipated it would “look like this.” I thought it would be all about physical healing, but it’s become a much more complex thing. It’s about teaching the truth, and then this truth sets people free from their Slave-identities whose characterized by Fear; and to bring him back into Sonship (Romans 8:15). Moses’s role in the Exodus was also to set the Slave free, but in a more literal sense.
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, âAbba, Father.â The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
Romans 8: 15-16
The Sun
One of the primary ways that God speaks to me, as His Elijah, is through the intersection of two things happening very closely together in time. That’s the definition of Coincidence. Time is a function of the movement of the SUN, –so this is another surreal way that the fulfilment of Elijah as the SUN from Malachi 4, is unfolding. It’s referring to the fact that God speaks to Elijah in a still, small voice, using Coincidence which is a function of time, which is a function of the SUN, to speak something.
As well, God has spoken to us through calendar dates, which provides extra revelation as to what He is doing as He intentionally sets out the setting of End-Time events. Calendar dates, Timing, as well as Coincidence, are a function of the Sun.
There are other ways that the motif of the SUN comes out, to give Revelation, that I will write about in other blogposts, but here is one BIG one for you. Coronavirus is the “sun virus” because the virus has spikes that make it look like the sun with its rays! The sun’s outer layer is called its Corona. It’s the Corona that gives us light and warm. Therefore, the Coronavirus is the “sun virus”. The word, Corona in latin, means “crown”. Crowns have spikes. We are to not bow to the crown of the Coronavirus, but to the crown of our Lord Jesus Christ. Covid is the battle between the Sun “God” (Elijah) and the Sun Virus (Covid).
As well, Pharaoh was considered by the ancient Egyptians to be the human manifestation of the SUN. So, Covid is the battle between the Sun ‘God” (Elijah) against the Sun God (Pharaoh representing ungodly governments).
Elijah comes to prepare the way for the Second Coming.
The ultimate Sun God is Jesus, though. and He battles for the throne of our hearts, which is against Pharaoh in all of us.
When I realized that Covid started the Second Exodus that the Jews have been looking for, for millennia, — I understood God’s purposes for Covid. God sees us as slaves in captivity to Pharaoh, who are our evil godless government leaders. We are more afraid of Pharaoh than of God, and this is how we’re in captivity to Pharaoh. God is going to set us from from captivity to Pharaoh, in the days ahead.
God also wants to set us free from Pharaoh in ourselves, that is destroying our relationship to Him and will eventually eternally separate ourselves from Him after we die, in torment and in darkness. In the Ancient World, God’s rivals were the Kings of other nations, that considered themselves “gods.” In our day and age, we’re a bit more sophisticated in that we don’t call ourselves “gods” but we worship ourselves anyways, thereby showing that we do believe that we are god, thought we would never use those words.
As a god, we believe we can control our own destinies, preserve our lives, and extend our lives, apart from accepting the saving power of Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross that was freely given to us, because God the Father loves us too much, to lose us for eternity. This is Pharaoh in ourselves.
God’s Purposes for Covid
God sent Covid, just as He sent the Angel of Death in the Old Testament Exodus, in order to create a foundation of brokenness in the nations, through which He can release Revival in the nations, to take in the last great Ingathering of souls, before Christ’s return. As it is also a Second Exodus, this means that God is also using Covid to break Pharaoh, just as He did, during the first Exodus (in the Bible), but this time it is Pharaoh in all of its different permutations—in government and in ourselves.
God gave Debbie and myself Isaiah 43, on New Year’s Eve 2019. When God breaks Pharaoh, it will be final.
who drew out the chariots and horses,
Isaiah 43: 17
the army and reinforcements together,
and they lay there, never to rise again,
extinguished, snuffed out like a wick:
Covid is an Answer to Prayer
We have been praying for decades for Revival to come to our nations, for God to do something about our godless governments, to bring back our Prodigal Children, for God to do something about the moral depravity seeping into our societies, including and especially the forced state-indoctrination of our children into sexual immorality and sexual depravity through LGBT school curriculum. Well, God is answering our prayers, but not in the way that we would have preferred, which would have been the direct-route!
Please see the Prophetic Word, God has given me for the Nations, about what is ahead. In short, the richer nations, in their Pharaohness, took a short-cut out of the Pandemic, and therefore revival skipped over us. Revival is happening in the poorer nations that
1. Surrendered their lives to God
2. Prioritized the salvation of the Unsaved
3. Shared resources, instead of hoarding, which brought the Unsaved to their church doors to hear the Gospel.
As the richer nations took a short-cut out of Covid, the variant Omicron is coming back to kill us better and this time it will affect children. This is because Pharaoh did not bend until God made it personal and what is more personal than the death of our children?
The vaccines have taught the virus to escape the vaccines, to grow stronger to kill us better, the next War with Covid.
The richer nations took a short-cut out of the pandemic through the vaccines birthed through the cooperation of abortion technology using arguments from Romans 8 and I Corinthians 8, 10 saying it’s fine to eat food sacrificed to idols while ignoring the two places where it is forbidden in the Book of REVELATION (Revelation 2: 14, 20).
The richer nations also did the sin of the Church of Thyatira, who tolerated jezebel in their midst who comes to you pretending that she cares about you, but is only after self-gain. She said, “I hear you need help to understand the Covid vaccines? Well, I can assure you that the vaccines birthed in Abortion, won’t affect your spiritual health, because Paul says we’re allowed to eat food sacrificed to idols in the Bible.” But in her heart, she counted her strength in the number of people in her congregation that were vaccinated, and so she sold you a lie, for reasons of self-gain, while appearing that she cared about you.
See how King David insulted God by counting his strength in human-terms (in this case, in the number of fighting men he had), instead of in godly terms. Regular men might count their strength in the number of dollars he has, but Kings have no need of money. They have all the riches that they could ever need. Kings count their strength in their military might, which is human strength, and this was King David’s sin in 1 Chronicles 21. Therefore, God punished David through plague on his sheep, though the sheep had not been the ones that sinned. When confronted with this sin, King David broke open before God and repented and offered sacrifices on the threshing floor of Araunah (2 Samuel 24). If we look closely at the text, we discover that it was on this very spot of repentance, that God build Solomon’s Temple.
A New Church
This is scripture telling us that if God’s Church Universal will diligently repent of all sins that this blogpost uncovers, that rose up during the enemy’s attack on God’s Church, through Covid,– that God will build a new church on top of this place of repentance.
Man in the foolishness of his Man-made Wisdom, shot himself in the foot with the vaccines, because the vaccines have taught the virus how to grow stronger in order to kill us better. Counterfeit gods always disappoint us. This is how the worship of Modern Medicine and the WHO (World Health Organization) have disappointed us.
Godly doctors and nurses are gifts from God, and therefore good things, but their knowledge and abilities originate with God and can never supercede the will of God. If God wills you to live, you’ll live. If God wills you to die, you’ll die—no matter what control measures and sanitizing efforts you may undertake, in an attempt to extend your life. Man cannot exceed the limits that God sets for our lives (Job 14:5). To suggest that a spot of hand-sanitizer, a 3mm thick piece of paper (mask), or a .50 mL squirt of vaccine liquid can supercede the Will of God is an insult to God.
…as for quarantining and social-distancing:
…and those in strongholds and caves will die of a plague.”
Ezekiel 33:27 It is impossible to barricade oneself from plague
…One who is far away will die of the plague…” Ezekiel 6:12
Ezekiel 6:12
Whether you live or die during Covid is entirely up to the sovereign will of God. Anything else is an illusion of control and an illusion of wisdom & knowledge over the natural world. Pharaoh may rule over humans, but God still rules over the natural world.
Since his days are determined, and the number of his months is with you, and you have appointed his limits that he cannot pass,
Job 14:5
Watchmen for Plague
The World Health Organization (WHO) is the human counterpart to the Watchman of the Lord. The WHO is a watch-dog for plague around the world. It’s looking at Covid as closely as I am. They see what is coming up on the horizon, as well as I can. (The Sun first appears on the horizong.) The WHO are sounding the alarm in their way, and trying to take complete control over the world in their Pharaohness. The WHO has created a Pandemic Treaty for nations to sign-up to, that will hand the WHO complete sovereignty over all medical decisions for the next pandemic.
So, the one who holds absolute world control is a Pharaoh-figure. I didn’t anticipate this one. The WHO is literally trying to make itself Pharaoh who holds absolute world control.
The Last Great Earthly Battle will be between Pharaoh, in the form of the United Nations, which includes the WHO, versus the Children of God, as they fight for the last Ingathering of souls, before the return of Christ. God is sending out His mighty power through an out-stretched arm to gather in the last great Ingathering of Souls. The WHO will try to shut down the world, including closing Churches, to prevent this LAST great Ingathering.
Tearing out the Tares
God will purify His Church through plague. The Apostate Churches and Christian schools (I’m looking at you, CCS!) will close its doors out of terror and never open them again, as they will die of plague. Apostate means they are the wolves in sheep clothing. These churches and schools pretend to be Christian, but they are really the arm of the State to oppress God’s real children, because they serve Pharaoh, over God. The Letter to the Church of Philadelphia in the Book of Revelation calls them the “Synagogues of satan.” The Apostate Church and Schools literally serve Pharaoh because Pharaoh pays their salary. These Churches receive money in the form of tax credits, and receive extra tithing due to the carrot stick of charitable tax receipts for their sheep who tithe. The Schools receive funding by the government. So, of course they will serve Pharaoh’s purposes, first. It’s a matter of life & death for them, that they serve Pharaoh. You can’t serve God and Money. You will love one and despise the other (Matthew 6:24).
This is how God is going to rip the tares out of the fields of wheat. The tares will take themselves out, by closing their doors, out of terror, during the Omicron resurgence, The real Church of Christ will rise up to preach the Gospel and to minister to the sick and dying, during plague. The fake churches will close her doors out of terror of plague and out of fear of Pharaoh (punishment by government). Such irony, but such brilliance on the part of God! Who could have guessed that this was God’s plan all along?!
The True Church of God will rise up to take her place in the Nations, once again, as they step into the gap left by doctors and nurses who will flee their posts, this time, out of terror and exhaustion. It was shameful to me, during the first war with Covid how non-Christian doctors and nurses stayed at their posts, like good soldiers and risked their lives, in their human calling; yet the Church fled its post when it was supposed to be her hour of Triumph.
We are not to worship doctors and nurses, above God, because then we are worshipping the god (doctor) of Asclepius (healing) and the goddess (nurse) of Hygieia (hygiene), which were the sins of the Church of Pergamum (Revelation 2), which was the Church of the Morally-Compromised.
Because this is a Second Exodus, I am uncovering the evil of the worship of Modern Medicine. We see in Exodus, that the Children of Israel were instructed to gaze on the snake wrapped around the bronze pole, to receive their physical healing. Chapters later, we see God instructing Israel to tear down these poles, because they started to worship the snake on the pole (the symbol of modern medicine and of the WHO) instead of the power behind the pole, who is God!
3 And Hezekiah did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, according to all that David his father had done. 4 He removed the high places and broke the pillars and cut down the Asherah. And he broke in pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the people of Israel had made offerings to it (it was called Nehushtan).
2 Kings 18:3-4 Nehushtan sounds like the Hebrew for both bronze and serpent
We really are in a Second Exodus.
Set Free from Pharaoh, within
God is setting us free from slavery and captivity to Pharoah, just as He did in the Biblical Days of the Exodus. I’m talking about Pharaoh in the form of godless governments, but it also includes setting us free from the places in our lives where we are held in captivity to sin, because they are areas that we are unable to surrender to Jesus. Surrender is making ourselves subjects of God. Lack of surrender is making ourselves subject only to ourselves. It is the form of idolatry that defines our modern age. We are unlikely to bow down to images made out of wood, silver, or gold, but we readily bow down to images of ourselves, that we create, which are apart from the only REAL identity that is authentic, and this is our identity, as Children of God, with Jesus as our Lord, yet brother.
The ultimate surrender to God, is to surrender to Him the timing and the manner of our Deaths, and to prioritize the salvation of the Unsaved, over our own lives. Once we’ve done this, we’ve surrendered all the lesser areas.
For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Matthew 16:25
Counterfeit gods always disappoint, even if that idol is ourselves. We always end up disappointing ourselves.
Would you like to Be a Follower of Jesus
Do you want to accept Jesus as Lord of your life, receive forgiveness for your sins, and have the assurance of eternal life after death? Please visit here, to find out how to become a follower of Jesus. If you would like to speak with a person online about how to receive Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, please visit Peace with God.
Beyond the Horizon
Watchmen station themselves way up high in a tower, where they can see the horizon far off in the distant. (Ezekiel was called the Watchman of the Lord in Ezekiel 33 and he prophesied disaster, but also saw in the horizon the appearance of new life in the dry-bones Ezekiel 37.) Watchmen can see the enemy’s movements, way earlier than the others, and we call out what we see, to give God’s children advantage during our battles against the enemy. Will you heed the call?
As well, Watchmen are the first to see the breaking of dawn, from our vantage point.
I can see the glow of the light, during the night, as the Sun approaches. The Light is the glory of Jesus, who is the very Son/Sun of God. There will no longer be any need of the physical Sun in that glorious day.
And I saw no temple in the city, for its temple is the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb. And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb. By its light will the nations walk, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it, and its gates will never be shut by dayâand there will be no night there. They will bring into it the glory and the honour of the nations.
Revelation 21: 22026
This, my dear friends, is the True Promised Land. It’s been promised to us since the Apostle John penned down The Book of Revelation. Actually, since Genesis 1, because the Promised Land is really a return to the Garden of Eden. As history winds down to her end, we make a full circle, as we end up at the beginning. Hopefully, during this journey, we’ve become a wiser human-being, so we will walk with the Lord in the Garden of Eden again, and we’ll be content to be co-rulers with Him over all creation. We’ll eat the real fruit of the Knowledge between Good & Evil, then, and also the fruit of the Tree of Life.
The chief end of Man is to glorify God, and to enjoy Him forever.
Westminister Shorter Catechism
God is an Apologeticist
I have been hearing the voice of God to me, through coincidence for almost 30 years. I have always called it “Divine Coincidence” or “God-Incidents.” It was only recently that I realized that this is actually an apologetics technique. Apologetics is the art of proving the existence of God through rational means of argument, logic, history, archaeology, science etc.
The apologetics technique God is using is called UNDESIGNED COINCIDENCES or EMBEDDED CONFIRMATIONS.
So, I have unwittingly, spent 30 years documenting down Undesigned Coincidences, as proof of the voice of God, through me. đ God is so amazing. Who can fathom His ways?! I didn’t know what I was doing. I just saw a pattern and kept it up. Reoccurring patterns is the bedrock of Science. So, the evidence that God brings across my path is the collection of ‘scientific’ data, but the data can come from anything and everything. God draws from every literary, social, scientific, and artistic discipline that exists. He’s God. The pool of Knowledge belongs ultimately to Him.
The way that God speaks to me, gives me evidence for, and helps me draw conclusions is based on scientific principles of assembling data. A good scientist collects every tiny bit of minutiae of data, because he doesn’t know what data-point will give him break-through. He doesn’t value one form of data over another. They all equally have potential to give the “break-through!” A good scientist does not go into anything with any preconceived judgements or biases. This makes it easier for him to receive new revelation, which can be called Epiphanies.
Then, after the collection of data, the scientist looks for reoccurring patterns and connections among the various disparate data-points, and then draws obvious conclusions, based on the copious examples of reoccurring patterns. It seems, that of all the roles that I undertake in my Calling for God, the main one appears to be a RESEARCH SCIENTIST—the science of Deduction! (which is how Sherlock Holmes received his epiphanies, too!)
The difference with me is that I draw data from the entire collective of human consciousness, and not just from the natural world, Google is one of my good friends! This means the repository that I draw from includes art, history, music, architecture, drama, literature,—which many consider as the repository of the entire human collective subconsciousness;– as well as the natural world, as well as the Bible as theology and as literature.
If this idea of my identity in Christ offends you or confounds you, please consider these Bible verses:
Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man’s strength.
I Corinthians 1:20-31
The Home-Stretch
So, to end this blogpost, I say to you that I have laid out for you, a number of Undesigned Coincidences or Embedded Confirmations, that there is an Intelligent Designer at work in my life and around us, that you didn’t see until I pointed out the signs to you. The Intelligent Designer is God Almighty. Do you see it? As the promise said, that I got from God, on New Year’s Eve 2019, from Isaiah 43; “I [God] am doing a NEW thing! Do you not PERCEIVE IT?!”
The Intelligent Designer has laid out numerous quiet signs and wonders, because God speaks to Elijah in a “still, small voice” (I Kings 19: 11-13).
Can you hear God’s voice through these Embedded Confirmations, through which I had no control over, which are God’s fingerprints, that tell us that He is here? Will you believe this voice and heed what is says. He wants to welcome you home, where his Shekinah-Glory will come to rest on the world again, just as it did in the Garden of Eden, at the beginning of the Age.
God defeated Pharaoh in the Exodus, for the sake of his glory, –for the sake of his Shekinah!
âI am the LORD; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.
Isaiah 42:8
When all I’ve spoken out starts to come to pass in regards to the Omicron resurgence when Jesus in us, battles for the reign of Christ’s Kingdom on the world,— the Restoration of God’s Church, —you’ll be safest in the centre of God’s Will. In essence, preach the Gospel to the Unsaved to preserve your safety and that of your family’s during this time of distress:
- Surrender to God your life and the lives of your loved-ones. Trust that all God does is good.
- Prioritize preaching the Gospel to the Unsaved
- Don’t hoard resources, but share them, as this will bring the Unsaved to our Church Doors to hear the Gospel.
It is now the End of The Age, and the Lord has is preparing for us a return home, which is a return to the Garden of Eden (Revelation 22). I’ll see you on the other-side, of all this đ
When all this comes true—and it surely will–then they will know that a prophet has been among them.
Ezekiel 33:33
This blogpost gave evidence through Undesigned Coincidences that we are in a Second Exodus, meaning we are in fulfilment of The Book of Revelation. This blogpost is mainly about Moses’s territory. My next blog will give evidence in the form of Undesigned Coincidences that Elijah is also here, which is the fulfilment of Malachi 4.
So, in the Book of Revelation we also have both an Elijah and a Moses character.